Structure Plan |11-15 Grosvenor Street, Beaconsfield (former Challenger TAFE)

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Have Your Say: Beaconsfield TAFE site – Structure Plan

The City of Fremantle has received an application for a Structure Plan over the former Beaconsfield Challenger TAFE site located at Lot 2680, 11-15 Grosvenor Street, Beaconsfield (bounded by Grosvenor Street to the north, Caesar Street to the east, Lefroy Road to the south, and Badham Close to the west).

This plan, prepared by Taylor Burrell Barnett on behalf of DevelopmentWA, is a pivotal step in envisioning the site's future.

The proposed Structure Plan would guide the redevelopment of the site for residential purposes to accommodate population growth and offer diverse housing options. This would be complemented by carefully planned public spaces that harmonise with the surroundings, retain mature trees whenever feasible, and enhance the overall living experience for current and future residents.

Key elements of the Structure Plan include:

  • A range of residential densities (R40 to R160) to cater to various housing preferences.
  • High-quality public open spaces that consider the site's topography and history and incorporate opportunities to retain and safeguard mature trees onsite.
  • The retention and repurposing of materials sourced from the former Beaconsfield TAFE and its surroundings, including valuable limestone.
  • A commitment to implementing best practices in water and energy management, climate-responsive design principles, and innovative construction methods.

Significance and Public Engagement:

The Structure Plan serves as a guide for the comprehensive planning and design of the site, adhering to relevant State planning policies and local strategic goals.

The City of Fremantle must advertise the proposed Structure Plan for public comment, for a period of not less than 42 days, in accordance with Schedule 2, Part 4, cl. 18 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.

Following the community engagement period, City of Fremantle officers will assess the structure plan and any submissions made. They will then provide a recommendation to Council, who will decide whether they wish to support the structure plan, with or without modification. Following this, Council’s recommendation is submitted to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.

Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage officers will then make an independent assessment of the structure plan and any submissions made, taking into account the Council’s recommendation. They then submit their recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission, who are the final decision-maker and decide whether to approve the structure plan with or without modification.

How can you have your say?

You can view the proposed Structure Plan under Important Documents to the right.

  • Submissions may be lodged using the online comment form below, via e-mail on, or in writing to City of Fremantle, PO Box 807 FREMANTLE WA 6959.
  • The City and DevelopmentWA will also be available in person to provide information and answer your questions at community drop-in sessions (see key dates to the right). These are informal sessions, so please feel free to stop by at your leisure.

The submission period for this proposal has now closed.

On 6 September 2004, the Western Australian Planning Commission granted final approval to the Beaconsfield TAFE site Structure Plan, which can be viewed here.

Have Your Say: Beaconsfield TAFE site – Structure Plan

The City of Fremantle has received an application for a Structure Plan over the former Beaconsfield Challenger TAFE site located at Lot 2680, 11-15 Grosvenor Street, Beaconsfield (bounded by Grosvenor Street to the north, Caesar Street to the east, Lefroy Road to the south, and Badham Close to the west).

This plan, prepared by Taylor Burrell Barnett on behalf of DevelopmentWA, is a pivotal step in envisioning the site's future.

The proposed Structure Plan would guide the redevelopment of the site for residential purposes to accommodate population growth and offer diverse housing options. This would be complemented by carefully planned public spaces that harmonise with the surroundings, retain mature trees whenever feasible, and enhance the overall living experience for current and future residents.

Key elements of the Structure Plan include:

  • A range of residential densities (R40 to R160) to cater to various housing preferences.
  • High-quality public open spaces that consider the site's topography and history and incorporate opportunities to retain and safeguard mature trees onsite.
  • The retention and repurposing of materials sourced from the former Beaconsfield TAFE and its surroundings, including valuable limestone.
  • A commitment to implementing best practices in water and energy management, climate-responsive design principles, and innovative construction methods.

Significance and Public Engagement:

The Structure Plan serves as a guide for the comprehensive planning and design of the site, adhering to relevant State planning policies and local strategic goals.

The City of Fremantle must advertise the proposed Structure Plan for public comment, for a period of not less than 42 days, in accordance with Schedule 2, Part 4, cl. 18 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.

Following the community engagement period, City of Fremantle officers will assess the structure plan and any submissions made. They will then provide a recommendation to Council, who will decide whether they wish to support the structure plan, with or without modification. Following this, Council’s recommendation is submitted to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.

Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage officers will then make an independent assessment of the structure plan and any submissions made, taking into account the Council’s recommendation. They then submit their recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission, who are the final decision-maker and decide whether to approve the structure plan with or without modification.

How can you have your say?

You can view the proposed Structure Plan under Important Documents to the right.

  • Submissions may be lodged using the online comment form below, via e-mail on, or in writing to City of Fremantle, PO Box 807 FREMANTLE WA 6959.
  • The City and DevelopmentWA will also be available in person to provide information and answer your questions at community drop-in sessions (see key dates to the right). These are informal sessions, so please feel free to stop by at your leisure.

The submission period for this proposal has now closed.

On 6 September 2004, the Western Australian Planning Commission granted final approval to the Beaconsfield TAFE site Structure Plan, which can be viewed here.

  • Engagement Update - 6 October 2023

    Share Engagement Update - 6 October 2023 on Facebook Share Engagement Update - 6 October 2023 on Twitter Share Engagement Update - 6 October 2023 on Linkedin Email Engagement Update - 6 October 2023 link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Beaconsfield Tafe Site Structure Plan – Engagement Update

    The opportunity to have your say on the Beaconsfield former TAFE site Structure Plan opened on the 25 August 2023 with submissions closing on the 6 October 2023.

    The City together with DevelopmentWA held two community drop-in sessions and spoke to over 150 community members.

    • 17 September – Freo Farmers Markets
    • 19 September – Fremantle College

    Next steps:

    City of Fremantle officers will now assess the structure plan and any submissions made. They will then provide a recommendation to Council, who will decide whether they wish to support the structure plan, with or without modification. Following this, Council’s recommendation is submitted to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.

    Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage officers will then make an independent assessment of the structure plan and any submissions made, taking into account the Council’s recommendation. They then submit their recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission, who are the final decision-maker and decide whether to approve the structure plan with or without modification.

    Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide their feedback and submit a submission.

Page last updated: 29 Nov 2024, 11:05 AM