South Terrace streetscape improvement

We're planning to upgrade six intersections on South Terrace to slow traffic and help create a pedestrian friendly environment that supports street life.
Each intersection 'node' will include:
- Reduced road width to make it safer for people to cross the street.
- Removing and replacing temporary speed bumps with a raised platform, surfaced with red asphalt and stencil markings to delineate the section and encourage drivers to slow down.
- Widened footpath to create a bigger pedestrian area.
- New paving, street furniture and trees to create a better space for people.
A map of the proposed works between Douro Road and South Street and the proposed order of completion can be downloaded here or refer to the timeline on this page.
Node two (Jenkin Street / South Terrace)
With node one (Little Lefroy Lane) and in-ground drainage works for node two (Jenkin Street) both complete, the streetscape component for node two has now received budget approval. The design inspiration for node two will be the mosaic located outside the Meeting Place, part of a community-led bush tucker art project launched in 2008. An early artists impression is included below and you can see the mosaic on the footpath outside the Meeting Place. Detailed streetscape design, incorporating this mosaic inspired artwork, will be shared in further updates.
For more information about this project please read the FAQs and timeline on this page.
We're planning to upgrade six intersections on South Terrace to slow traffic and help create a pedestrian friendly environment that supports street life.
Each intersection 'node' will include:
- Reduced road width to make it safer for people to cross the street.
- Removing and replacing temporary speed bumps with a raised platform, surfaced with red asphalt and stencil markings to delineate the section and encourage drivers to slow down.
- Widened footpath to create a bigger pedestrian area.
- New paving, street furniture and trees to create a better space for people.
A map of the proposed works between Douro Road and South Street and the proposed order of completion can be downloaded here or refer to the timeline on this page.
Node two (Jenkin Street / South Terrace)
With node one (Little Lefroy Lane) and in-ground drainage works for node two (Jenkin Street) both complete, the streetscape component for node two has now received budget approval. The design inspiration for node two will be the mosaic located outside the Meeting Place, part of a community-led bush tucker art project launched in 2008. An early artists impression is included below and you can see the mosaic on the footpath outside the Meeting Place. Detailed streetscape design, incorporating this mosaic inspired artwork, will be shared in further updates.
For more information about this project please read the FAQs and timeline on this page.
Construction has started on the latest South Tce upgrade
Share Construction has started on the latest South Tce upgrade on Facebook Share Construction has started on the latest South Tce upgrade on Twitter Share Construction has started on the latest South Tce upgrade on Linkedin Email Construction has started on the latest South Tce upgrade linkConstruction has started on the City of Fremantle’s latest upgrade to South Terrace (Node 2). Four of the temporary speed cushions in the area will be replaced with a single raised platform, which will be paved with red asphalt to alert motorists they’re entering a shared space and encourage them to slow down. The road will also be painted with a colourful ‘sunburst’ design inspired by the mosaic in the pavement in front of The Meeting Place.
Construction of the Jenkin Street node is expected to be complete by mid-December. Partial road closures will be necessary during the project and the City will have traffic management in place to minimise delays.
40km/hr speed zone implemented
Share 40km/hr speed zone implemented on Facebook Share 40km/hr speed zone implemented on Twitter Share 40km/hr speed zone implemented on Linkedin Email 40km/hr speed zone implemented linkMRWA have implemented the new speed zones, including the speed reduction from 50km/h to 40km/h on South Tce. New signage was installed earlier this month.
For more information on the changes visit, or watch this video. You can read the full media release on the City's website here.
MRWA approves application for speed reduction
Share MRWA approves application for speed reduction on Facebook Share MRWA approves application for speed reduction on Twitter Share MRWA approves application for speed reduction on Linkedin Email MRWA approves application for speed reduction linkThe application for a speed reduction was approved by MRWA in April 2021.
As part of the 21/22 City of Fremantle budget Council approved streetscape works for node 2 at Jenkin St as well as resurfacing works between Jenkin St and Douro Rd (Area 2).
Council decision - Progress Fremantle City Centre speed zone proposal
Share Council decision - Progress Fremantle City Centre speed zone proposal on Facebook Share Council decision - Progress Fremantle City Centre speed zone proposal on Twitter Share Council decision - Progress Fremantle City Centre speed zone proposal on Linkedin Email Council decision - Progress Fremantle City Centre speed zone proposal linkAt their meeting on 11 November 2020 Council accepted the speed zoning proposal for the Fremantle City Centre as well as the South Fremantle area west of Hampton Rd and requested the City progress the application with MRWA.
Area one - Resurfacing complete
Share Area one - Resurfacing complete on Facebook Share Area one - Resurfacing complete on Twitter Share Area one - Resurfacing complete on Linkedin Email Area one - Resurfacing complete linkWe've completed the resurfacing works to South Terrace between South Street and Jenkin Street (Area 1). The works included upgrades to road drainage, improving sight lines at intersections, replacing asphalt footpaths with concrete, upgrading tree pits to ensure better infiltration, planting more trees, replacing damaged infrastructure and resurfacing the road pavement.
Council decision - speed reduction and additional node
Share Council decision - speed reduction and additional node on Facebook Share Council decision - speed reduction and additional node on Twitter Share Council decision - speed reduction and additional node on Linkedin Email Council decision - speed reduction and additional node linkOn 27 November 2019, residents of South Fremantle submitted a petition requesting the City of Fremantle: 1. Submit as a matter of urgency an application to Main Roads WA regarding the installation of a permanently reduced speed zone of 40km/h. 2. Provide appropriate funding to fast-track the completion of traffic calming including the removal of the temporary speed humps. During discussion of this Motion at the 11 March FPOL meeting, Council resolved to add a sixth node to South Terrace at Orient St and also improved threshold/gateway treatments at each end of South Terrace.
Node two - budget update
Share Node two - budget update on Facebook Share Node two - budget update on Twitter Share Node two - budget update on Linkedin Email Node two - budget update linkThe streetscape component at section two (Jenkin Street / South Terrace) was not approved for funding in the 2019/20 budget. Completion of section two is subject to future budget approval.
In the meantime resurfacing on South Terrace (including upgrades to footpaths, kerbs and landscaping) will be completed as part of the co-funded 'complete street' renewal project. This is partly funded through Main Roads WA MRRG Program and Roads to Recovery Program. This renewal program will extend along South Terrace from South Street to the completed 'node' section at Little Lefroy Lane. Keep an eye on the City of Fremantle website for updates on this project.
Node two - drainage works complete
Share Node two - drainage works complete on Facebook Share Node two - drainage works complete on Twitter Share Node two - drainage works complete on Linkedin Email Node two - drainage works complete linkIn-ground drainage works at section two (Jenkin St / South Tce) are now complete. The drainage works included installation of new pipework, replacement of damaged soak wells and installation of new drains. The drainage upgrade is to prepare for the next section of the South Terrace streetscape improvement.
Node two - drainage works
Share Node two - drainage works on Facebook Share Node two - drainage works on Twitter Share Node two - drainage works on Linkedin Email Node two - drainage works linkThe site survey for location two will start 27 May and drainage installation is scheduled to commence 29 May. Works are anticipated to finish 21 June. For more information and a map can be downloaded here or from the document library.
Node two - update
Share Node two - update on Facebook Share Node two - update on Twitter Share Node two - update on Linkedin Email Node two - update linkPlanning the streetscape
The design inspiration for location two is the mosaic located outside the Meeting Place, part of a community-led bush tucker art project launched in 2008. An early artists impression is included below and you can see the mosaic on the footpath outside the Meeting Place. Detailed streetscape design, incorporating this mosaic inspired artwork, will be shared in further updates.
Implementation of the street scaping design is proposed to follow the completion of the drainage works. However this is subject to budget approval for next financial year.
Drainage works – what to expect
In the meantime, we’ll be commencing in ground drainage works at the intersection of Jenkin Street and South Terrace, starting on 13 May 2019 and taking up to 6 weeks. Access will be maintained during this time; however, at times traffic may be reduced to one lane.
Traffic management will be in place at all times to facilitate safe traffic movement. The drainage works will include installation of new pipework, replacement of damaged soak wells and installation of new drains. The drainage upgrade is to prepare for the next section of the South Terrace streetscape improvement.
Join the mailing list
Join the South Terrace Streetscape Improvement mailing list here.
Timeline (South Terrace)
Node 1 - between Little Lefroy & Sydney St
South Terrace streetscape improvement has finished this stageDevelopment of draft concept, community engagement, Council and Main Roads WA approval, construction
August - November 2018
Node 2 - Jenkin St
South Terrace streetscape improvement has finished this stageCommunity feedback on node one and ideas for node two.
Planning, development and site-specific consultation on node one.
Late 2018 - Early 2019
New pipework, replacement of damaged soak wells and installation of new drains, in preparation for above ground works.
May - June 2019
Area 1 - Resurfacing
South Terrace streetscape improvement has finished this stageRoad resurfacing on South Terrace from South Street to completed node 1 at Little Lefroy Lane. Includes buildouts at intersections to improve sightlines, planting of new trees and replacement of old footpath with new.
May - June 2020
Node 2 - Jenkin St (streetscape)
South Terrace streetscape improvement is currently at this stageDetailed design, engagement, planning and construction.
October 2021
Area 2 - Resurfacing
this is an upcoming stage for South Terrace streetscape improvementRoad resurfacing on South Terrace from Douro Road to completed node 2 at Jenkin St.
Node 3 - Scott St
this is an upcoming stage for South Terrace streetscape improvementDate TBC
Node 4 - Charles St
this is an upcoming stage for South Terrace streetscape improvementDate TBC
Node 5 - Nelson St
this is an upcoming stage for South Terrace streetscape improvementDate TBC
Node 6 - Orient St
this is an upcoming stage for South Terrace streetscape improvementDate TBC
Overall project
Node one - Little Lefroy
Node two - Jenkin
- Why was the Jenkin Street intersection chosen as the next location?
- Will the treatment at the Jenkin Street intersection be similar to node one?
- When will you start work on node two?
- Will I be able to access the South Terrace / Jenkin Street area during phase two works?
- Will node two have artwork (and what will the colour scheme be)?
Phone 1300 MY FREO (1300 693 736) Email
Strategic Community Plan Focus Areas (2015-25)
This project delivers under: