What is a Precinct Structure Plan?

    A Precinct Structure Plan is designed to coordinate the redevelopment of land within a specific area or ‘precinct’. It sets out the development footprints, basic land uses, built form controls, placement of open space and infrastructure, and the location of key roads and movement links within the precinct. It provides direction to landowners and the community on what type of development or redevelopment may occur, and forms the basis for assessment and determination of subdivision and development applications within the structure plan area.

    Although a Precinct Structure Plan may include illustrations showing buildings, these are based on the built form controls proposed by the structure plan and are only for context.  They are not necessarily representative of the building designs that may eventuate and do not form part of the application.

    What is the purpose of the 'Talk to a Planner' session?

    The 'Talk to a Planner' session is designed to allow you to learn more about the development proposal. Members of the City’s planning team will be available to explain the plans in further detail and answer your questions. The session is an informal, 'drop-in' style event. Elected members and the applicant are also invited.

    What happens to my submission?

    Your submission will be reviewed by the assessing officer and considered in the assessment of the development application. A copy of your submission will be provided to the applicant to allow them to respond to any issues raised and to council, to assist in their decision-making. 

    A summary of your submission may be included in publicly available council and planning committee reports. Personal details such as your name and address will be removed.

    Who will decide whether to approve the Precinct Structure Plan?

    The decision-maker for all structure plans is the Western Australian Planning Commission.

    However, before the Commission makes a decision, City officers will present a report to Council, including a recommendation whether or not to endorse the Precinct Structure Plan. Council's decision will be forwarded to the Commission for consideration in making their decision.