Hilton Park Precinct Masterplan

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Hilton Park is a much loved and used hub for the local and regional community. However, the City knows that some of the facilities and spaces are needing a bit of love and have begun a journey to revitalise the whole Hilton Park Precinct!

The City has developed two documents to create a vision, so that it can plan for renewal of the precinct as a modern civic green space that meets the needs and wants of the community. These documents are known as the:

  • Hilton Park Place Plan – The role of this document is to set a vision for the future, provide principles and actions on how to achieve this vision.
  • Hilton Park Masterplan – The role of this document is to detail where changes will occur on the site, where different activities will be focused, and how the vision in the Place Plan above will be implemented.

The Masterplan is a document that provides:

  • A framework for implementing the Place Plan vision;
  • A plan for how changes on site will occur; and
  • A spatial plan showing where different activities will be focused.

Hilton Park Draft Masterplan - Now Open for Public Comment! Click on the link below to complete the survey. Submissions close on 30 June 2024.

Hilton Park is a much loved and used hub for the local and regional community. However, the City knows that some of the facilities and spaces are needing a bit of love and have begun a journey to revitalise the whole Hilton Park Precinct!

The City has developed two documents to create a vision, so that it can plan for renewal of the precinct as a modern civic green space that meets the needs and wants of the community. These documents are known as the:

  • Hilton Park Place Plan – The role of this document is to set a vision for the future, provide principles and actions on how to achieve this vision.
  • Hilton Park Masterplan – The role of this document is to detail where changes will occur on the site, where different activities will be focused, and how the vision in the Place Plan above will be implemented.

The Masterplan is a document that provides:

  • A framework for implementing the Place Plan vision;
  • A plan for how changes on site will occur; and
  • A spatial plan showing where different activities will be focused.

Hilton Park Draft Masterplan - Now Open for Public Comment! Click on the link below to complete the survey. Submissions close on 30 June 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We recommend you review the Draft Masterplan document prior to completing this survey. You can find it under the “Documents” section. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Reviewing the Draft Masterplan may take between 10 minutes and an hour, depending on how thorough you are!

    Once the Masterplan has been endorsed by Council following consultation, it will be used to guide future projects and works at Hilton Park. 

    Note: Implementation of the Masterplan has not been funded and will be considered through future budget allocations and grant funding.

    The most significant changes proposed by the Masterplan include:

    • Greater recognition of Traditional Owners of the land including creation of gathering spaces and consideration of the use of Nyoongar language where appropriate. 
    • Increased greening throughout the park including new endemic tree plantings and low-lying endemic understorey planting. 
    • Construction of a new central building to be shared for community use and soccer.
    • Creation of central pedestrian spine and perimeter path to improve pedestrian movement through and around the park. 
    • Creation of a new junior AFL oval next to the full-sized AFL oval.
    • Creation of a more youth and play spaces such as a pump track, play opportunities throughout the park taking advantage of the level changes and a central active youth zone including basketball and skate park.
    • Construction of a new southern building to be for shared community use and cricket and refurbishment of the lawn bowls facility.

    Survey closes 30 June 2024.

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The Draft Hilton Park Place Plan provides the vision, themes and actions that will be used to guide the revitalisation of Hilton Park. The Place Plan plays an important role in the revitalisation, as it sets the foundations of the space – capturing the elements which should be maintained as the place changes. It also highlights things that are important to the community and users of the space that need to be incorporated into future planning.


    The next phase of the project is to develop a Hilton Park Master Plan. The Master Plan will show how the Place Plan vision, themes and actions can be implemented throughout the park and where changes may occur.


    This survey aims to seek community feedback on the Draft Hilton Park Place Plan and seek direction from the community on how some of the draft Place Plan actions could be translated in the Master Plan.


    We are seeking feedback specifically regarding the Place Analysis and Vision (Question 1 and 2), and eight of the Place Plan actions that will underpin the Master Plan (Question 3 -10). For the balance of the 36 actions, we invite you to consider these collectively, and provide feedback on any or all those actions in Question 11. If you have any other comments regarding the draft Place Plan, we invite you to provide feedback in Question 12.


    We recommend you review the Draft Place Plan document prior to completing this survey.


    The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Reviewing the Draft Place Plan may take between 10 minutes and an hour, depending on how thorough you are!

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    A Place Plan is a concept document that provides the background, analysis, opportunities, and vision that inform the future of a place coming together. To develop the Place Plan, we need to understand what the key drivers are – the Place Themes.

    Several themes and a draft vision have been developed based on the previous engagement and background analysis. Now we want to test these themes and vision with you to make sure we are moving in the right direction.

    Share Have your say on the Draft Vision and Place Themes for Hilton Park on Facebook Share Have your say on the Draft Vision and Place Themes for Hilton Park on Twitter Share Have your say on the Draft Vision and Place Themes for Hilton Park on Linkedin Email Have your say on the Draft Vision and Place Themes for Hilton Park link
Page last updated: 01 Jul 2024, 10:07 AM