Fremantle Prison Application for Regulation 19B Approval

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Fremantle Prison has submitted an application to the City of Fremantle seeking approval under Regulation 19B (Reg.19B) of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 to host events at the venue.

The City currently approves events at venues such as Fremantle Prison on a case-by-case basis, upon the submission of an individual licence application. Reg.19B allows the City to approve a capped number of events that the Prison may host in any year and impose conditions to limit the impact that these events may have on the wider community. An approval would also provide some certainty to venues such as the Prison when they are planning for future events.

Fremantle Prison and the City have agreed upon a Reg.19B licence that will:

  • Limit the number of events to 10 per year.

  • Limit the number of consecutive events to 2 events per fortnight, Mon – Sun.

  • Limit event finish times to 10pm.

  • Limit the duration of events to 5 hours maximum.

The proposed licence is in line with the City's Policy for the Approval of Venues for Sporting, Cultural or Entertainment Events. You can read the policy in our FAQ and Key Documents section below.

Fremantle Prison's application has also been endorsed by the Department of Health and the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural industries. The Reg.19B approval will now be formally opened up for a public comment period to allow the community and other stakeholders to support or reject.

If the application is approved, Fremantle Prison will still be required to notify the City of all upcoming events and comply with any ancillary conditions the City may see fit to impose. The Prison will also be required to notify residents close to the venue of all events that are approved. City Environmental Health Officers will also regularly attend events to ensure that conditions are complied with.

The purpose of this engagement is to:

  • Inform the community of Fremantle Prison's Reg.19B application.
  • Create clear processes and provide certainty to other venues in Fremantle who may also want to request Reg.19B approvals.
  • Create consistency for venues in the application process for a Reg.19B licence.

How can the community influence the project?

We are asking the public to:

  • Learn about the Fremantle Prison Reg.19B application by viewing the Council Policy and exploring the Frequently Asked Questions below.
  • Register your support or objection to the approval by completing the survey and submitting further feedback.

How can you meet with City Officers to discuss this proposal and your feedback?

  • 1:1 Meeting: Would you like to meet 1:1 with City Officers to get clarification on the proposal, and how to best submit your feedback? You can request a meeting by emailing Please note, we'll aim to meet all requests subject to staff availability.
  • Attend a drop-in session: Drop-in sessions allow the public to meet with City staff to ask questions about the proposal, seek clarification and guidance on how to best submit feedback. These are informal sessions that allow the public to come and go during the time period provided. To learn more, visit our How We Engage page here.
    • Join our drop-in session at the following date and time:
      • Date: Thursday 22 August 2024
      • Time: 5:30-6:30pm
      • Location: Mardoo Meeting Room, Library, Walyalup Civic Centre

How can you make your submission?
Submissions can be submitted online via the submission form below, or:

A hard copy of the survey can be sent or picked up upon request by emailing the Community Engagement team here:

Please note: residents and businesses within the immediate area of Fremantle Prison should also receive a letter drop with the above information.

Submissions close 15 Sept 2024 at 5pm AWST.

Fremantle Prison has submitted an application to the City of Fremantle seeking approval under Regulation 19B (Reg.19B) of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 to host events at the venue.

The City currently approves events at venues such as Fremantle Prison on a case-by-case basis, upon the submission of an individual licence application. Reg.19B allows the City to approve a capped number of events that the Prison may host in any year and impose conditions to limit the impact that these events may have on the wider community. An approval would also provide some certainty to venues such as the Prison when they are planning for future events.

Fremantle Prison and the City have agreed upon a Reg.19B licence that will:

  • Limit the number of events to 10 per year.

  • Limit the number of consecutive events to 2 events per fortnight, Mon – Sun.

  • Limit event finish times to 10pm.

  • Limit the duration of events to 5 hours maximum.

The proposed licence is in line with the City's Policy for the Approval of Venues for Sporting, Cultural or Entertainment Events. You can read the policy in our FAQ and Key Documents section below.

Fremantle Prison's application has also been endorsed by the Department of Health and the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural industries. The Reg.19B approval will now be formally opened up for a public comment period to allow the community and other stakeholders to support or reject.

If the application is approved, Fremantle Prison will still be required to notify the City of all upcoming events and comply with any ancillary conditions the City may see fit to impose. The Prison will also be required to notify residents close to the venue of all events that are approved. City Environmental Health Officers will also regularly attend events to ensure that conditions are complied with.

The purpose of this engagement is to:

  • Inform the community of Fremantle Prison's Reg.19B application.
  • Create clear processes and provide certainty to other venues in Fremantle who may also want to request Reg.19B approvals.
  • Create consistency for venues in the application process for a Reg.19B licence.

How can the community influence the project?

We are asking the public to:

  • Learn about the Fremantle Prison Reg.19B application by viewing the Council Policy and exploring the Frequently Asked Questions below.
  • Register your support or objection to the approval by completing the survey and submitting further feedback.

How can you meet with City Officers to discuss this proposal and your feedback?

  • 1:1 Meeting: Would you like to meet 1:1 with City Officers to get clarification on the proposal, and how to best submit your feedback? You can request a meeting by emailing Please note, we'll aim to meet all requests subject to staff availability.
  • Attend a drop-in session: Drop-in sessions allow the public to meet with City staff to ask questions about the proposal, seek clarification and guidance on how to best submit feedback. These are informal sessions that allow the public to come and go during the time period provided. To learn more, visit our How We Engage page here.
    • Join our drop-in session at the following date and time:
      • Date: Thursday 22 August 2024
      • Time: 5:30-6:30pm
      • Location: Mardoo Meeting Room, Library, Walyalup Civic Centre

How can you make your submission?
Submissions can be submitted online via the submission form below, or:

A hard copy of the survey can be sent or picked up upon request by emailing the Community Engagement team here:

Please note: residents and businesses within the immediate area of Fremantle Prison should also receive a letter drop with the above information.

Submissions close 15 Sept 2024 at 5pm AWST.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Share Frequently Asked Questions on Facebook Share Frequently Asked Questions on Twitter Share Frequently Asked Questions on Linkedin Email Frequently Asked Questions link
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    What is a Regulation 19B approval? What's being proposed by Fremantle Prison? How will this approval application affect residents and visitors? Click through to read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on this project.

    Read the FAQ here.

  • Key Document: Approval of Venues for Sporting, Cultural or Entertainment Events (Regulation 19B)

    Share Key Document: Approval of Venues for Sporting, Cultural or Entertainment Events (Regulation 19B) on Facebook Share Key Document: Approval of Venues for Sporting, Cultural or Entertainment Events (Regulation 19B) on Twitter Share Key Document: Approval of Venues for Sporting, Cultural or Entertainment Events (Regulation 19B) on Linkedin Email Key Document: Approval of Venues for Sporting, Cultural or Entertainment Events (Regulation 19B) link
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    Prior to the introduction of Reg.19B approvals, venues such as Fremantle Prison were required to apply to the City for individual events in the form of a Reg.18 licence, which were one off approvals. This ad hoc approach didn’t provide the necessary certainty for the Prison to plan events throughout the year, nor did it provide any real limit on the number of events that could be held at the venue. The Regulation 19B Policy is to address permanent venues which propose to hold regular outdoor concerts and events that would produce noise in excess of the levels permitted under the provisions of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997.

    To help the decision-making process of Reg.19B approvals, the City of Fremantle developed the Approval of Venues for Sporting, Cultural or Entertainment Events; Reg.19B Policy.

    Read the Council Policy here.

  • Related: Our Strategic Community Plan

    Share Related: Our Strategic Community Plan on Facebook Share Related: Our Strategic Community Plan on Twitter Share Related: Our Strategic Community Plan on Linkedin Email Related: Our Strategic Community Plan link
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    The City's 2024-2034 Strategic Community Plan is the City’s most significant guiding document and establishes the community’s long-term aspirations and vision for Fremantle’s future. The Plan drives the City’s planning, budgeting, resource allocation and service delivery over the next decade, and was developed in direct collaboration with people who live, work, and play in Fremantle.

    The proposed Reg.19B Approval, which would allow Fremantle Prison to continue to host large-scale events at a significant world heritage site, aligns with a number of key focus areas set out by the community in the Strategic Community Plan - most importantly that Fremantle is a "Creative City- a city that is inspiring, diverse and dares to be different" and where "major venues and spaces position Fremantle as WA’s capital of arts and culture events."

    Read the Strategic Community Plan here.

Page last updated: 15 Sep 2024, 05:00 PM