Draft Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorship Policy

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On the 24th of March 2021, Council resolved to adopt the City of Fremantle Climate Emergency Position Statement.

In support of this position statement and declaration, the City of Fremantle does not support advertising of, or by, companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuels on Council owned or managed land and will not accept sponsorships from companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuels.

During the Finance, Policy, Operations and Legislation Committee meeting held on 12 October 2022, Council requested the Chief Executive Officer to investigate and report back to Council with options for:

  1. Controlling or restricting advertising of fossil fuels on any City of Fremantle owned or managed property. In doing so Council consider any implications this may have for sporting and community organisations who currently use Council managed property or sporting venues.
  2. Restricting the acceptance of sponsorships from companies or organisations whose main business is the extraction or sale of coal, oil, or gas.

The City considered the Notice of Motion’s requests and in response drafted a Fossil Fuel Advertising and Sponsorships Council Policy. This policy provides direction for individuals, organisations, clubs, and events which may be affected by the City of Fremantle’s position of not supporting advertising of, or by, companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuels.

At the 26 June 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council endorsed the draft policy for the purpose of public advertising and community engagement. The draft Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorship Policy is open for community comment.

The City recognises that the adoption of this policy may affect sporting clubs, local groups and other stakeholders within the community. This engagement process seeks to inform the public of this policy proposal and collect feedback from individuals, groups, and organisations for Council to consider before its final adoption.

Before the Council makes a final decision on the Policy, we are asking the community to:

  • Review the draft Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorship Policy, Key Documents and Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Contribute feedback by completing the survey below.
  • Provide a written submission or request a 1:1 meeting with a City Officer.

City Officers aim to:

  • Keep you informed, listen to and acknowledge concerns and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision.
  • Work with you to ensure that your concerns and aspirations are duly noted, provide clarity on questions that may arise.

How can you meet with City Officers to discuss this policy and your feedback?

  • 1:1 Meeting: Would you like to meet 1:1 with City Officers to get clarification on the policy, and how to best submit your feedback? You can request a meeting by emailing communityengagement@fremantle.wa.gov.au. Please note, we'll aim to meet all requests subject to staff availability.

How can you make your submission?
Submissions can be submitted online via the submission form below, or:

A hard copy of the survey can be sent or picked up upon request by emailing the Community Engagement team here: communityengagement@fremantle.wa.gov.au.

Hard copies of the draft Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorship Policy are also available at the Walyalup Civic Centre, 51 High Street, Fremantle between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Please note submissions will close on 23 September 2024.

On the 24th of March 2021, Council resolved to adopt the City of Fremantle Climate Emergency Position Statement.

In support of this position statement and declaration, the City of Fremantle does not support advertising of, or by, companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuels on Council owned or managed land and will not accept sponsorships from companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuels.

During the Finance, Policy, Operations and Legislation Committee meeting held on 12 October 2022, Council requested the Chief Executive Officer to investigate and report back to Council with options for:

  1. Controlling or restricting advertising of fossil fuels on any City of Fremantle owned or managed property. In doing so Council consider any implications this may have for sporting and community organisations who currently use Council managed property or sporting venues.
  2. Restricting the acceptance of sponsorships from companies or organisations whose main business is the extraction or sale of coal, oil, or gas.

The City considered the Notice of Motion’s requests and in response drafted a Fossil Fuel Advertising and Sponsorships Council Policy. This policy provides direction for individuals, organisations, clubs, and events which may be affected by the City of Fremantle’s position of not supporting advertising of, or by, companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuels.

At the 26 June 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council endorsed the draft policy for the purpose of public advertising and community engagement. The draft Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorship Policy is open for community comment.

The City recognises that the adoption of this policy may affect sporting clubs, local groups and other stakeholders within the community. This engagement process seeks to inform the public of this policy proposal and collect feedback from individuals, groups, and organisations for Council to consider before its final adoption.

Before the Council makes a final decision on the Policy, we are asking the community to:

  • Review the draft Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorship Policy, Key Documents and Frequently Asked Questions.
  • Contribute feedback by completing the survey below.
  • Provide a written submission or request a 1:1 meeting with a City Officer.

City Officers aim to:

  • Keep you informed, listen to and acknowledge concerns and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision.
  • Work with you to ensure that your concerns and aspirations are duly noted, provide clarity on questions that may arise.

How can you meet with City Officers to discuss this policy and your feedback?

  • 1:1 Meeting: Would you like to meet 1:1 with City Officers to get clarification on the policy, and how to best submit your feedback? You can request a meeting by emailing communityengagement@fremantle.wa.gov.au. Please note, we'll aim to meet all requests subject to staff availability.

How can you make your submission?
Submissions can be submitted online via the submission form below, or:

A hard copy of the survey can be sent or picked up upon request by emailing the Community Engagement team here: communityengagement@fremantle.wa.gov.au.

Hard copies of the draft Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorship Policy are also available at the Walyalup Civic Centre, 51 High Street, Fremantle between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Please note submissions will close on 23 September 2024.

  • Draft Council Policy: Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorships

    Share Draft Council Policy: Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorships on Facebook Share Draft Council Policy: Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorships on Twitter Share Draft Council Policy: Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorships on Linkedin Email Draft Council Policy: Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorships link
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    This policy provides direction for individuals, organisations, clubs, and events which may be affected by the City of Fremantle’s position of not supporting advertising of, or sponsorship from, companies involved in production or supply of fossil fuels. If the draft Council Policy is adopted, the City of Fremantle will not accept any form of sponsorship funding from companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuels.

    The City recognises that the adoption of this policy may affect sporting clubs, local groups and other stakeholders within the community. This engagement process seeks to inform the public of this policy proposal and collect feedback from individuals, groups, and organisations for Council to consider before its final its adoption.

    We ask that you review this draft policy before making your contributing your feedback.

    Read the draft council policy here.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Share Frequently Asked Questions on Facebook Share Frequently Asked Questions on Twitter Share Frequently Asked Questions on Linkedin Email Frequently Asked Questions link
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    What is the Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorship Policy and why do we need one? How will the adoption of this policy affect local businesses, clubs and organisations? Click through to read our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on this project.

    Read the FAQ here.

  • Related: City of Fremantle Climate Emergency Position Statement

    Share Related: City of Fremantle Climate Emergency Position Statement on Facebook Share Related: City of Fremantle Climate Emergency Position Statement on Twitter Share Related: City of Fremantle Climate Emergency Position Statement on Linkedin Email Related: City of Fremantle Climate Emergency Position Statement link
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    On the 24th of March 2021, Council adopted the City of Fremantle Climate Emergency Position Statement. In support of this position statement and declaration, the City of Fremantle does not support advertising of companies involved in production or supply of fossil fuels on Council owned or managed land and will not accept sponsorships from companies involved in production or supply of fossil fuels.

    Read the Climate Emergency Position Statement here.

  • Related: Our Strategic Community Plan

    Share Related: Our Strategic Community Plan on Facebook Share Related: Our Strategic Community Plan on Twitter Share Related: Our Strategic Community Plan on Linkedin Email Related: Our Strategic Community Plan link
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    The City's 2024-2034 Strategic Community Plan (SCP) is the City’s most significant guiding document and establishes the community’s long-term aspirations and vision for Fremantle’s future. The Plan drives the City’s planning, budgeting, resource allocation and service delivery over the next decade, and was developed in direct collaboration with people who live, work, and play in Fremantle.

    The draft Fossil Fuel Advertising & Sponsorship Policy acknowledges not only the City of Fremantle Climate Emergency Position Statement, but also public feedback expressed during the SCP engagement period. The policy aligns with the key SCP focus area of Fremantle as Resilient City which recognises "an educated and empowered community that seeks to mitigate the causes and effects of climate change," and one which supports a "reduction in corporate emissions."

    Read the Strategic Community Plan here.

Page last updated: 23 Sep 2024, 05:00 PM