Why is the City adopting this policy?

    The policy aligns with the City's Climate Emergency Position Statement adopted on March 24, 2021, aiming to reduce support for industries contributing to fossil fuel production and consumption.

    What constitutes a "fossil fuel" company?

    As stated in the draft policy, the City of Fremantle defines fossil fuels as all naturally occurring hydrocarbon materials to be combusted for energy, such as coal, petroleum oil, and natural gas. 

    Fossil fuel companies therefore encompass any organisation whose main business is the extraction or sale of the above stated materials.

    My club, organisation or business currently attracts funding or other support via fossil fuel advertising, what will happen to this arrangement if the policy is adopted?

    The City of Fremantle will not accept any form of sponsorship funding from companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuels after the adoption of the Policy. This Policy clause does not apply to individuals, organisations, clubs, and events who may accept sponsorship directly from companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuels.

    The City of Fremantle will not support advertising of, or by, companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuels, or advertising which specifically promotes fossil fuels, on Council owned or managed land after the adoption of the Policy.

    Clause 1.3 of the draft Fossil Fuel Advertising and Sponsorship policy provides individuals, organisations, clubs, and events an ability to meet their sponsorship agreement terms without going against Policy, and in turn their agreement with the City of Fremantle.

    How does the policy affect existing City of Fremantle sponsorship agreements that are awarded to individuals, groups, clubs, and businesses?

    Sponsorships accepted prior to the adoption of this policy are exempt from the restrictions outlined, meaning existing agreements can continue until their expiration. 

    The City of Fremantle will continue to provide sponsorship opportunities that are not made available as a result of sponsorship funding received from companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuels.

    Can events still be held on Council owned or managed land if they involve companies related to fossil fuels?

    Yes, events can still be held, but advertising at the event is restricted as per the policy’s statement.

    Are there any exceptions to the advertising restrictions?

    Yes, temporary advertising may be allowed during events or for event promotion under specific conditions outlined in the policy under Clause 1.3 (e.g., duration limits, existing agreements).

    What types of advertising are included in the policy's restrictions? Does the advertising material mentioned in the policy include sporting uniforms and equipment?

    The policy covers static signage, digital signage, promotional materials, and any other forms of advertising that promote fossil fuels or companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuels, on Council owned or managed land. 

    The draft policy defines the abovementioned as:

    Static signage: A type of traditional physical sign that is not intended to be changed or updated often.

    Promotional signage and material: Flyers, posters, removeable signs, banners, and flags branded with a logo or slogan.

    How will the City of Fremantle enforce this policy?

    The City will work with event organisers and stakeholders to ensure compliance with the policy's advertising and sponsorship guidelines, through event approval and lease agreements.

    Does the policy apply to all Council facilities?

    Yes, the restrictions on fossil fuel advertising and sponsorships apply to all Council owned or managed land.

    Does the policy apply to property or land not owned or managed by the City of Fremantle?

    No, the restrictions on fossil fuel advertising apply only to Council owned or managed land.

    Can community organisations and clubs still receive support if they are sponsored by fossil fuel-related companies?

    Yes, the ban against acceptance of sponsorship funding from companies involved in the production or supply of fossil fuel is limited, by the draft policy, to the City of Fremantle.

    Individuals, organisations, clubs, and events will be required to adhere to the advertising restrictions imposed by the City of Fremantle if the draft policy is adopted.