Why redevelop the Davis Park precinct?
The Davis Park precinct is an area of mostly state-owned housing in Beaconsfield, originally developed in the 1940s. The precinct currently contains around 260 dwellings. Existing development is generally very run down, low scale residential, centred on the Davis Park reserve. Homes are accessed via a number of cul-de-sac roads. The Department of Communities is focused on providing better housing throughout Western Australia through urban regeneration initiatives that decentralise large pockets of social housing and offer a range of affordable housing options catering for all Western Australians. These housing options include new home opportunities for down-sizers, seniors, first homebuyers, public housing tenants and families.
For this reason, Department of Communities (which includes the state Housing Authority) is keen to redevelop the Davis precinct creating a more diverse mix of housing with both private and public housing and better connections to surrounding areas. Redevelopment of the Davis Park area is a key part in of the Heart of Beaconsfield masterplan.
What is the purpose of this Structure Plan?
In 2016, Fremantle council and the state government approved an amendment to the City's local planning scheme to change the zoning of the Davis Park precinct to 'development zone'. Changing the zoning of the Davis Park precinct to ‘development zone’ was the first step in the formal planning process.
Drafting a structure plan is the next step in formalising planning for the Davis Park precinct. It contains some detail about the layouts of roads and areas for development and public open space. A structure Plan needs to be approved before a developer can apply to subdivide and actually develop the land. The interim draft Heart of Beaconsfield master plan includes some broad ideas for the Davis Park precinct.
The draft Structure Plan is compatible with, and builds on the overall master plan.
How does the Structure Plan fit with the Heart of Beaconsfield?
The structure plan forms part of the Heart of Beaconsfield master planning project, which aims to establish an overall vision which links this and other planned redevelopment in the locality, such as the former TAFE site and Lefroy Road quarry. Whilst the masterplan is not yet complete, the Department of Communities wish to progress with the more detailed planning for their site through the structure plan process, to allow them to move forward with redevelopment. The structure plan broadly aligns with the draft Heart of Beaconsfield masterplan with its merits and any concerns to be formally considered by Council after public consultation.
What is a Structure Plan?
A structure plan is a planning document that provides a basic plan over a specific precinct to coordinate development or redevelopment of land within it. A structure plan outlines the basic land uses, placement of open space and infrastructure, and key roads and movement links within the precinct. Furthermore, it provides clear direction to landowners and the community on what type of development or redevelopment may occur, and forms the basis for the Council and Western Australian Planning Commission to assess and determine subdivision and development applications for individual sites within the structure plan, as and when these are submitted by landowners.
A structure plan document consists of maps and text and shows details such as where roads and public open space will go as well as types and locations of housing, community facilities and other land uses if applicable. In modern structure plans ‘Part One’ outlines the development requirements and ‘Part Two’ provides explanatory and background information. Technical reports on aspects including environmental factors, traffic and water management are often appended to a structure plan to provide further detail.
For a structure plan to have effect it must be endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission. A structure plan is not intended to prescribe the detailed form and design of buildings, though they sometimes provide some guidance on this or require the preparation of more detailed Local Development Plans addressing building form. The specifics of individual site development are only determined at development application stage, when they are assessed against the requirements of the structure plan, the planning scheme, any applicable Local Development Plans or policies and, for residential development, the State’s Residential Design Codes.
Who Prepares Structure Plans?
Structure plans and amendments can be prepared either by local government or by landowners within the structure plan area. In this instance the structure plan for Davis Park has been prepared by an external consultant (Urbis) on behalf of the Department of Communities, who own the majority of land within the precinct.
Why is the City seeking community input? What happens to the feedback received?
Community consultation is an essential part of the process for any proposed structure plan. All proposals must be formally advertised, giving the community an opportunity to support or reject changes or to make alternative suggestions. The City encourages everyone to contribute feedback. Diverse views strengthen the planning process and improve the quality of Council’s decisions. All submissions are collated and used to inform the City’s decision-making process.
After the community engagement (advertising) period, the City of Fremantle Council consider the submissions and make a recommendation on whether to support or make any changes to the proposal in response to issues raised. All submissions made during the formal consultation period are sent with the structure plan and Council’s decision to the Western Australian Planning Commission where the final decision is made.
How do I find out more information on the proposed Davis Park Structure Plan?
Further information, including Council report which provides further background information on the proposed structure plan, can be found on the City’s My Say website. The submitted structure plan and supporting documents are also available to download from the City’s My Say website (link below).
Hard copies of this information sheet, and a copy of the main structure plan document, can also be obtained from the City’s Administration Centre upon request.
You can also contact the City’s planning staff to discuss the proposal and ask any questions you might have.
In addition, a ‘drop in’ information stall will be set up at the Growers Green Farmers Markets, where you will have the opportunity to speak with representatives from the Department of Communities and the City’s planning staff on this structure plan proposal. Details are as follows:
Where: Growers Green Farmers Markets, held at Fremantle College, 79 Lefroy Road Beaconsfield
When: Sunday 16 June 2019 from 8am - 12pm
How do I make a submission?