Burt Street Local Planning Policy
Consultation has concluded.
Council gave final approval of Local Planning Policy 3.16 at its 24 May 2017 meeting. The policy was formally adopted on 10 June 2017, and now forms part of the City’s planning policy manual.

Local Planning Policy adopted
Following the public comment period and Planning Committee meeting, Council adopted Burt Street Local Planning Policy at its meeting on Wednesday 24 May 2017. A copy of the Council report and resolution is available here.
Burt Street Local Planning Policy to be presented to council in May
The Planning Committee has considered the Officers Report for the draft Burt Street Local Planning Policy. A report which assesses the public comment recieved has been prepared, presenting a final version of the amendment for adoption by Council. Council will consider this report at its meeting on Wednesday 24 May 2017.
The report and minutes for the planning committeee meeting are available for viewing on the council agendas and minutes page.
The agenda for the council meeting will be available for viewing on the afternoon of Friday 19 May 2017 on the council agendas and minutes page.
Submissions have now closed
Thank you to everyone who commented on the Burt Street local planning policy.
The planning officers will consider all submissions and prepare a council report with a recommendation for the Planning Committee. People who made submissions will be notified when this will be considered by council.
We will continue to provide updates on My Say Freo.
We're seeking comment on a draft local planning policy for Burt Street, Fremantle.
In November 2015, the Minister for Planning approved an amendment to Fremantle's local planning scheme for an area of Burt Street, Fremantle, as shown in the image above.
Amendment 57 has established the primary planning requirements for the Burt Street site, including the zoning, building height and density requirements.
The design objectives and criteria in the draft Burt Street Local Planning Policy are intended to add further detail that is complementary to these controls.
The policy aims to promote high quality design outcomes and ensure new development integrates with the surrounding area. Under the draft policy, all future development proposals would be expected to satisfy the following design elements:
- Development context
- Site works
- Architectural expression, articulation and dwelling design
- Buildings on corners
- Roof forms
- Car parking and vehicle access
- Building services
- Building façade and frontages
- Open space, communal open space and deep soil areas
- Tree retention
- Public domain interfaces
How can I comment?
The draft planning policy is available for public comment until 27 March. We encourage you to take a look and:
- Let us know if you have a question by emailing planning@fremantle.wa.gov.au
- Attend the community information session on 14 March 2017. We'll be available to provide further information and answer questions.
- Send us your feedback online or on the submission form by 27 March 2017.
Consultation has concluded.
Council gave final approval of Local Planning Policy 3.16 at its 24 May 2017 meeting. The policy was formally adopted on 10 June 2017, and now forms part of the City’s planning policy manual.