1. What is the current building height approved for the site?

    Maximum building heights on this site have already been determined in the Scheme as part of an amendment approved in 2015. These won't change under the draft policy, but are included for your reference below. 

    Due to the varying ground levels and slope of the site, the maximum building heights are expressed as a vertical height above sea level. This has been expressed in Australian Height Datum (AHD), which sets the height new buildings cannot exceed, irrespective of the ground level variation. 

    The Burt Street site varies from between 21 metres to 33 metres AHD (metres above sea level) and is able to be built to a maximum of 37 to 42 AHD depending upon the area of the site. These areas and heights are shown in the plan and figure below.

    2. What is the current residential density of the site?

    R Codes indicate the level of residential density permitted in an area. The Burt Street sites currently have a R Code of ‘R160’.

    3. What does ‘R160’ density mean?

    R 160 is a higher density which commonly results in multi storey apartment living.

    4. Does the policy change the height or density for the site?

    No, the policy will not make any change to the building height or density. These were determined by Amendment 57 to Fremantle's local planning scheme, and approved in November 2015. 

    5. Why was the policy proposed?

    The policy has been proposed to assist with guiding the design of the future buildings at these sites. The policy will work in conjunction with the existing planning requirements for the site, which are already written into Fremantle’s Local Planning Scheme. 

    6. What development is proposed for the site?

    The site is currently owned by the Housing Authority. To date, there is no development application approved or proposed for this site.  

    7. How does the policy work?

    The policy proposes a series of overarching design elements such as: car parking and vehicle access, building façade and frontages, open space, communal open space and deep soil areas, that will be considered for any future development proposals on the site.

    For the full list of design elements please refer to the draft policy document here.

    All of the design elements have key objectives and criteria that relate to the site. All development proposals would be assessed against these criteria and required to demonstrate how each of the design elements would be achieved.

    An example of how the policy will be used is explained below