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Council adopted minor revisions to the Freo Alternative Local Planning Policy, known officially as Local Planning Policy 3.20: Special Control Area Provisions for Small Infill Development. This policy contains additional development requirements that supplement the key provisions in the Local Planning Scheme. All developments seeking approval under the new Freo Alternative provisions will need to satisfy the requirements of the policy, which includes requirements for sustainability, open space, rear setbacks, vehicle access and car parking among other criteria.
A copy of the adopted policy is available to download on the local planning policies page of the City's website, or alternatively via the Document Library on this page.
Further information on the policy can be obtained by contacting the City's Duty Planner between 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday on 9432 9999.
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On 12 February 2019, Amendment No. 63 to the Local Planning Scheme was published in the Government Gazette after being signed off by the Minister for Planning and Transport. This means that 'Freo Alternative' officially forms part of the City's planning scheme, and we can now accept applications for developments seeking to use these new provisions.
The Local Planning Scheme Text and Map has been updated to include the relevant requirements which apply to the Freo Alternative areas - referred to in the Scheme as 'Special Control Area 5.7' or 'SCA 5.7'.
Clause 5.7 of the planning scheme contains the key provisions which apply to the special control areas. In addition, Local Planning Policy 3.20 (LPP 3.20) has been prepared which contains additional requirements to supplement the scheme. Clause 5.7 and LPP 3.2 need to be read in conjunction when preparing a proposal under Freo Alternative, along with any other requirements under the Residential Design Codes of WA (R-Codes) and the City's Local Planning Policies.
A revised version of LPP 3.20, containing minor edits to reflect changes made to the amendment by the Minister for Planning, is currently scheduled to be considered by Council at the February 2019 round of Council meetings. In the meantime, the original version of the policy adopted by Council in March 2018 is available to download from this page.
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The Freo Alternative (proposed Scheme Amendment No. 63 & Draft Planning Policy for Small Infill Development) will be considered at the Strategic Planning & Transport Committee Wednesday 21 March 2018 and the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Wednesday 28 March 2018. Both meetings will be held at the North Fremantle Community Hall, 2 Thompson Road, North Fremantle, starting at 6.00pm.
You can address the Committee or Council on this proposal if you wish, please be aware both have a three-minute time limit. The opportunity to address Council is given during ‘public question time’ – contact the minute secretary on 9432 9999 or email before 3.00 pm on the day of the meeting, or register at the venue before 5.50 pm.
Copies of the agenda, including the full report and attachments can be viewed or downloaded from the City’s website here. Alternatively, you can view a copy at City of Fremantle Library during normal opening hours. The library is now located on the ground floor of the City Administration Building at Fremantle Oval, 70 Parry Street, Fremantle.
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The report on community engagement 'what you said' for phase two of the Freo Alternative is now available in the document library. The report highlights what community engagement was undertaken, how many submissions were received and what the submissions said in relation to each theme of the Freo Alternative.
Eighty-two submissions were received on the second stage of the Freo Alternative - 60 in support, 14 in objection and 8 neutral to the project.

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The community engagement period closed on the 2 February 2018. Officers are now collating the submissions to report back to Council. All submitters will be notified when this item is to be considered by Council.
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The second stage of the Freo Alternative is now open for public comment. The second stage of the Freo Alternative proposes planning rules (scheme amendment and policy) to allow smaller homes in specific locations, while protecting the things we love about our Fremantle neighbourhoods. The proposed planning rules are based on the eight community-derived themes from the first stage of the Freo Alternative.
We have summarised the technical requirements for each of the themes in a booklet.
Please also let us know what you think about each of the theme requirements here.
We’d love to know your thoughts!

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The Freo Alternative has reached an important milestone. A draft scheme amendment and local planning policy for small infill housing will be considered by the Planning Committee on 7 June and Council on 28 June. This is the first step in the process for the next phase of community engagement.
The amendment seeks to balance the need for greater housing diversity in Fremantle's suburbs with ensuring the right type of new development within these areas. Themes which emerged in the first phase of engagement have been incorporated into the draft amendment and areas for further consideration have been been identified for the next phase of engagement. This includes the areas within the City of Fremantle where the policy would apply, the maximum size and number of dwellings on a development site and mandating higher than standard sustainability requirements.
You can view the draft amendment and local planning policy on the council agendas and minutes page. You're also welcome to attend the Planning Committee or Council meeting to ask a question, make a statement or simply observe. Find out how to get to the meeting and register for question time here.
If adopted by council, it will enable the City of Fremantle to request approval from the West Australian Planning Commission to advertise the draft policy for public comment.
We'll update you on the next steps for the project when the outcome of this decision is known.
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Our Freo alternative – Big thinking about small housing community engagement process and outcomes report was presented to council on Wednesday 25 January.
Council resolved to receive the outcomes report and recommended that the draft development provisions considered by Council in September 2015 and March 2016 be reviewed in the context of the eight key themes identified by the Freo Alternative. As an outcome of the engagement process, the review of draft development provisions will address the following matters:
- Design provisions to promote communal interaction between neighbours.
- Quantity and form of private open space for each new dwelling.
- Design provisions to safeguard existing trees and/or require new tree planting on development sites, proportionate to achieving viable development of smaller housing typologies.
- Whether draft planning standards providing reduced parking requirements for new smaller housing types, as previously discussed by Council, are the most appropriate approach to deal with parking demand and travel behaviour.
- Whether current planning requirements for on-site vehicle manoeuvring space could be relaxed for new types of smaller residential development.
- The level of access to public transport and local amenities required in order for an area to be considered a suitable, or preferred, location for the development of additional smaller housing typologies.
- Draft planning standards for open space, outdoor living area and landscaping requirements.
- The extent and form of provisions to ensure good quality design outcomes (including design that is responsive to local character and context).
- The extent and form of provisions to encourage or mandate higher than ‘business as usual’ sustainability standards in building design and construction.
You can read the council report and resolution in full here or watch a video summary From the council chambers.
A local planning scheme amendment will now be drafted to reflect the council resolution. There will be further opportunites for community and stakeholder input into the development of the draft scheme which will be available for comment on My Say Freo mid-2017.
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The full engagement report from
The Freo Alternative can now be downloaded from the
document library
Based on the values which City of Fremantle residents consider important, a series of recommendations have been made for future planning policy to facilitate development of smaller, more diverse housing. This was presented to Council on 25 January.
A draft planning scheme amendment is expected to be available for public input mid-2017. Subscribe for updates to stay informed.
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That’s a wrap on the Freo Alternative engagement process.
The Game of (Freo) Life, the third event in the community engagement series, was open at Many 6160 from 3 - 6 November. Over four days adults and children alike enjoyed designing their own piece of design was the same!
The City will now collate all of the data from the engagement series. This information will be made available when it is completed.
The next phases of the Freo Alternative will commence in early 2017. Thank you to everyone who came to the consultation events and engaged in the Freo Alternative.