Development Application │240 South Terrace South Fremantle
Consultation has concluded.
The application was conditionally approved by the Metro South-West JDAP at its meeting on 5 December 2017.

A two storey mixed use development is proposed for 240 South Terrace, South Fremantle.
JDAP approval
The development proposal for 240 South Terrace, South Fremantle was approved by JDAP on 5 December 2017.
You can view the JDAP meeting minutes here.
The development application for 240 South Terrace South Fremantle was available for public comment from 2 October to 31 October 2017. The Planning Committee recommended JDAP approve the application on 1 November 2017.
The application will be now be determined by JDAP and all submitters will receive notification of the JDAP hearing date.
For more information, contact Chloe Johnston on 08 9432 9999 or email
The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing office and construct a two storey building with loft. The mixed use development comprises eight apartments and two commercial tenancies.
The proposal includes the following discretionary assessments:
- Boundary walls (east)
- Side and rear setbacks (north / south)
- Visual privacy (south)
- Front setback
- Open space
- On site car parking
- Location of visitor bays
- Overshadowing
- Density (Cl.4.2.5 – R60 bonus)
- Plot ratio
- Land use (Multiple Dwelling & Shop)
- Bicycle racks
- End of trip facilities
- Boundary fence height (south)
How can I comment?
The public comment period closed on 31 October.
Who will decide this development application?
The decision-maker for this planning application is the Metropolitan South-West Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP). JDAP is administered by the Department of Planning to determine planning applications, if the development value is over a certain threshold.
Before JDAP makes a decision, the City of Fremantle Planning Committee will consider the application and make recommendation to JDAP. These meetings occur on the first Wednesday of every month and are open to the public.
Consultation has concluded.
The application was conditionally approved by the Metro South-West JDAP at its meeting on 5 December 2017.