Development Application | 193 South Terrace, South Fremantle (Revised)
Consultation has concluded

After the initial application was refused by the Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP), the applicant lodged an appeal to the State Administrative Tribunal. As a result of the appeal process, amended plans have been submitted for the City’s consideration.
What's proposed?
The revised plans reduce the scope of the application from a three storey, six unit multiple dwelling development to a development comprising three, two storey Grouped dwellings. The existing heritage place on the lot is proposed to be used as an Educational Establishment tentatively for the use of individual and group tutoring.
The application seeks discretion against the following criteria:
Land Use – Educational Establishment, Grouped Dwelling
Boundary wall (south)
Lot boundary setback (south)
Front setback (Louisa St - Lower and Upper floors)
On-site car parking (Educational Establishment)
Open space
Where can I see the plans or find out more?
The revised plans can be downloaded here or via the document library. You can also view the plans during business hours at the City's customer service centre at Fremantle Oval, 70 Parry Street Fremantle.
If you would like to find out more about the proposal contact Nathan Blumenthal at the City of Fremantle by calling 9432 9999 or email
How can I make a submission?
There are several ways you can provide feedback:
- online in the submission form below (preferred method),
- complete a submission form and email it to, or
- complete a submission form and post to Development Approvals, City of Fremantle, PO Box 807 Fremantle WA 6959.
What are the next steps?
All submissions will be reviewed by the assessing officer who will prepare a report to the Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP). The City's Planning Committee will consider the report before it is referred to the JDAP. All submitters will be notified of the Planning Committee and JDAP meeting date.