Fremantle Town Hall External Conservation
Consultation has concluded

The Fremantle Town Hall has undergone significant conservation works.
Before this it had been almost thirty years since the last major capital expenditure on the building and key elements such as the roof cladding, down pipes and gutters needed replacing as a matter of urgency.
It may look a little different than you’re used to but that’s because the paint suffocating it for decades has been removed, revealing the self-coloured stucco finish beneath. The end result respects the original intention for the town hall to look like a high-quality, finely-detailed stone building, much like it did in 1887 when first unveiled.
Since mid-2016 a large team of specialist stonemasons, plasterers, lead workers and slate roofers have transformed the exterior of the town hall building using traditional building methods. The project has involved major structural repairs, a new slate roof with improved drainage and the historic clock cleaned and serviced.
The Town Hall restoration project is the largest heritage conservation the City of Fremantle has ever undertaken and is the first stage in the transformation of Kings Square into a high quality community and civic space.