Swanbourne Street to Kellow Place pedestrian access way

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Consultation has concluded

The gates shown in the photograph are a condition of the Water Corporation and would remain in place should the Closure be made permanent.

Closure approved by council

Council agreed to close the Swanbourne Street to Kellow Place pedestrian access way permanently on 26 July 2017.

The minutes of the 26 July council meeting are available here.

Report before council in July

The review of your comments is now completed with a report included into the Finance, Policy, Operations and Legislation (FPOL) agenda for July . Subject to the FPOL committee meeting outcome, the report will then be scheduled for the next available council meeting.

The FPOL meeting will be held on Wednesday 12 July at 6.00pm. The report is available on the agendas and minutes page.

You are welcome to attend the meeting, if you would like to observe or address the committee. Find out how to get to the Fremantle Council Chamber and register for question time on the Council and committee meetings page.

Public comment period closed

Thank you to everyone who lodged a submission, the public comment period on the temporary closure of the pedestrian access way from Swanbourne Street to Kellow Place has now closed.

Should the access way be reopened or stay closed?

An application received by the City of Fremantle on the 1 December 2014 proposed the permanent closure of the pedestrian access way, linking Kellow Place and Swanbourne Street, Fremantle.

Council resolved to proceed with a 35 day public advertising period where submissions were received. The results of advertising were reported back to council (PC1604 on 24 February 2016), who decided to trial a 12 month temporary closure of the pedestrian access way.

The temporary closure will end on 28 April 2017. We're interested to hear your thoughts on whether the pedestrian access way should be permanently closed or reopened to the pubic and the gates removed.

What's been your experience of the trial closure?

Closure approved by council

Council agreed to close the Swanbourne Street to Kellow Place pedestrian access way permanently on 26 July 2017.

The minutes of the 26 July council meeting are available here.

Report before council in July

The review of your comments is now completed with a report included into the Finance, Policy, Operations and Legislation (FPOL) agenda for July . Subject to the FPOL committee meeting outcome, the report will then be scheduled for the next available council meeting.

The FPOL meeting will be held on Wednesday 12 July at 6.00pm. The report is available on the agendas and minutes page.

You are welcome to attend the meeting, if you would like to observe or address the committee. Find out how to get to the Fremantle Council Chamber and register for question time on the Council and committee meetings page.

Public comment period closed

Thank you to everyone who lodged a submission, the public comment period on the temporary closure of the pedestrian access way from Swanbourne Street to Kellow Place has now closed.

Should the access way be reopened or stay closed?

An application received by the City of Fremantle on the 1 December 2014 proposed the permanent closure of the pedestrian access way, linking Kellow Place and Swanbourne Street, Fremantle.

Council resolved to proceed with a 35 day public advertising period where submissions were received. The results of advertising were reported back to council (PC1604 on 24 February 2016), who decided to trial a 12 month temporary closure of the pedestrian access way.

The temporary closure will end on 28 April 2017. We're interested to hear your thoughts on whether the pedestrian access way should be permanently closed or reopened to the pubic and the gates removed.

What's been your experience of the trial closure?