South Terrace streetscape improvement

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We're planning to upgrade six intersections on South Terrace to slow traffic and help create a pedestrian friendly environment that supports street life.

Each intersection 'node' will include:

  • Reduced road width to make it safer for people to cross the street.
  • Removing and replacing temporary speed bumps with a raised platform, surfaced with red asphalt and stencil markings to delineate the section and encourage drivers to slow down.
  • Widened footpath to create a bigger pedestrian area.
  • New paving, street furniture and trees to create a better space for people.

A map of the proposed works between Douro Road and South Street and the proposed order of completion can be downloaded here or refer to the timeline on this page.

Node two (Jenkin Street / South Terrace)

With node one (Little Lefroy Lane) and in-ground drainage works for node two (Jenkin Street) both complete, the streetscape component for node two has now received budget approval. The design inspiration for node two will be the mosaic located outside the Meeting Place, part of a community-led bush tucker art project launched in 2008. An early artists impression is included below and you can see the mosaic on the footpath outside the Meeting Place. Detailed streetscape design, incorporating this mosaic inspired artwork, will be shared in further updates.

For more information about this project please read the FAQs and timeline on this page.

We're planning to upgrade six intersections on South Terrace to slow traffic and help create a pedestrian friendly environment that supports street life.

Each intersection 'node' will include:

  • Reduced road width to make it safer for people to cross the street.
  • Removing and replacing temporary speed bumps with a raised platform, surfaced with red asphalt and stencil markings to delineate the section and encourage drivers to slow down.
  • Widened footpath to create a bigger pedestrian area.
  • New paving, street furniture and trees to create a better space for people.

A map of the proposed works between Douro Road and South Street and the proposed order of completion can be downloaded here or refer to the timeline on this page.

Node two (Jenkin Street / South Terrace)

With node one (Little Lefroy Lane) and in-ground drainage works for node two (Jenkin Street) both complete, the streetscape component for node two has now received budget approval. The design inspiration for node two will be the mosaic located outside the Meeting Place, part of a community-led bush tucker art project launched in 2008. An early artists impression is included below and you can see the mosaic on the footpath outside the Meeting Place. Detailed streetscape design, incorporating this mosaic inspired artwork, will be shared in further updates.

For more information about this project please read the FAQs and timeline on this page.

Guest Book

The South Terrace streetscape improvement between Sydney Street and Little Lefroy Lane is now complete, what do you think of the changes?

We're now preparing for the second location at the intersection of Jenkin Street and South Terrace, do you have any ideas to share?

Please leave your feedback or comments below by 4 February 2019.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded. Thank you for providing your feedback and ideas.

Little Lefroys didn't feel the consultation with them was very good. The outdoor space has been diminished by the un level ground leading up to the raised roadway. maybe a retainer wall could have been used to keep the pavement level. The seat is kind wierd ? who is meant to use this.

Bruce Abbott almost 6 years ago

Love the new design, much more of a shared space. I have noticed drivers slowing down from when the paint went on, slowing down even more so than normal speed bumps.

ngorman almost 6 years ago

Great initiative! 2 thoughts: place bike his parallel to the road and street frontage especially when on slopes. And, southbound section of new road surface is to great a difference. Many trucks make huge noise when moving from one to the other

embee8 almost 6 years ago

I don't know if this is relevant for your current planning, But really, there HAS to be a better way to slow hoons on South Terrace, and in other nearby areas such as along Forrest Street,and in front of the football oval in East Freo. The speed-bumps are SO savage, and far too numerous, my heart sinks every time I have to journey along these roads. I think they do an excellent job of damaging the cars of normal, well-behaved road users, and of making them swerve to avoid them. If you want South Terrace etc to be user-friendly, PLEASE do something about these speed-humps.....other suburbs I travel in seem to manage without them.

SEJ almost 6 years ago

Local business feedback seems positive. However, some suggestions:
- paint a white line adjacent to the Little Lefroy Lane stop sign
- perhaps white markings also to delineate the start of the ramp section
- some drivers cut across the northern corner of Little Lefroy and South Tce when turning left into Little Lefroy - so what can be done to prevent that?
- street furniture is great - and I think re-orienting the benches to face into the cafes was a good move
- the colourings on the raised section are great and take into account the building colours
- some drivers still maintain the 50kmh over the new 30kmh section - what further can be done to minimise this?
- all up a good step forward imo

SeanHefferon almost 6 years ago

I think it’s great. My only concern is that as a bike rider i regularly cycle through the intersection and I’m little bit worried about turning left into Lefroy in the wet and across the painted lines (which can become very slippery) - I guess we’ll see how it goes!

christophevert almost 6 years ago

I think it should be upgraded from South Street. Put Trees on both side of the street (Plain Trees) so that it looks like an Avenue and not just odds and ends that never look like anything. I do like the new upgrade so far.

Ronnie Shepherd almost 6 years ago

I wish I had something more positive to say however I don't feel like the 'upgrade' has done much for safety on the corner or the amenity of the street. I sat outside Little Lefroys for an hour the other morning around 7-8 am and hardly any of the cars travelling down Little Lefroy st who were turning onto South Tce stopped at the stop sign. The thick white line you normally find at stop signs wasn't present and accordingly hardly anyone was coming to a complete stop.
The painting all over the road in unnecessary and ugly. Why? It detracts from the shops and buildings and is a waste of money.
Please consider the use of more native plants as street trees, or if they aren't native at least provide some other benefit like providing food for our local cockatoos. The use of exotic species seems to go against the green / sustainability credentials the council is always peddling about itself.
There is no kerbing so cars can also just cut the corner when turning off South Tce onto Little Lefroy st.
Not sure how the drainage is going to work during heavy rainfall, it just seems like its going to be directed to the shop fronts.
Provision of seating is a good idea.

BB almost 6 years ago

Pedestrian areas are wonderful to have, Freo is a place that can use them well. They promote less car presence and more sociable places and spaces.

Koralisland almost 6 years ago

It was great (the oversized speed hump, the planting of trees etc) UNTIL YOU PAINTED it. That pattern is dreadful. In my view, it looks try-hard; like the City if trying to live up to it's reputation of being a creative city. Instead, it looks like it's trying to be a creative city.

I was so upset to see that. Let nature (trees, planting), furniture (those seats are mediocre too), shapes and material textures do the talking. You do NOT need paint and fancy patterns to SCREAM some more. Subtly is good. LOUD is too much.

Other than that, thank you for planting the trees. I WISH the City would plant a thousand more.

catread almost 6 years ago

Looks great. It’s slowly coming together.

Gi almost 6 years ago

Underwhelmed. You have focused so hard on making the intersection colourful that it is now missing the proper street markings for STOP (white lines) on Lefroy. Add this to the ridiculous number of street bumps which cause cars to zig zag along the Terrace and the whole thing is positively dangerous. Common sense should prevail over aesthetics.

aprestage almost 6 years ago

The upgrade at Little Lefroy is a positive move by the Council, it adds vibrancy and safety to a street that has become increasingly busy with the extra vehicles from the southern developments. South Fremantle is a great place to live with an excellent community and the artwork adds to the trendy village atmosphere of the area. Please do not use Plane trees, they grow far too large for the space, there are also many Jacarandas in the area which are smaller, have great flowers and still give winter sunshine.

JanC almost 6 years ago

Looking forward to seeing all the streetscapes come to fruition along South Terrace in the next few years.

blightcc almost 6 years ago

Absolutely love the design work and traffic calming, well done to all involved. Look forward to the future works for the other intersections. The project will inject some vibrancy into this neck of the woods. Please keep Norfolk Pines out of the street tree equation if anyone has got any ideas to use them, Freo is starting to look like a wretched Pine plantation.

Errol Allen almost 6 years ago

Hi, the streetscape is a great improvement and it will be good to have the other intersections completed. One comment on the traffic however is that I have observed on my daily walks (morning and evening) that still quite a lot of the vehicle traffic does not slow down to a safe pace. What would be involved with having a speed limit of 30 km/h on South Terrace from Gold Street through to Duoro Road?

AllanBowes almost 6 years ago

Get rid of speed bumps

Catpilmer almost 6 years ago

Proposed changes in 6162 reflect the puritanic views of a few loud cyclists. Not friendly to others. The businesses must be losing customers.

Catpilmer almost 6 years ago

Pedestrians only welcome ....So I don't go there anymore.

Catpilmer almost 6 years ago
Page last updated: 19 Nov 2021, 01:13 PM