South Beach Place Plan

The South Beach Place Plan is approved
We are excited to announce the South Beach Place Plan endorsed by the Community and the Council. The place plan aligns amenities with community needs, embracing inclusivity, culture, and accessibility. Guided by a strong sense of place and principles, it weaves a harmonious coexistence between locals, visitors, and the environment.
Why create a Place Plan?
The City is creating a Place Plan for South Beach to guide the delivery of future services, programmes and infrastructure, which includes built forms such as the toilet block and change rooms. There are no plans to redesign the South Beach Precinct. However, we need to plan to replace and renew facilities and ensure the space offers the activities people want. One of the immediate needs is to replace the toilets and change rooms. Before that design work starts, the Place Plan will help ensure the design and location fit into the area's cohesive plan. We know how important South Beach is to so many different parts of the community and want to make sure our focus for the care and maintenance of the area is in line with what the community wants.
What is a Place Plan?
A Place Plan seeks to identify the environmental, historical and social factors significant to an area, to understand its identity, and to plan for its future. Community engagement plays a critical role in determining the success of the Place Plan. Hence, your participation in the City's engagement process is vital to the project's success. We recognise that the community and those beyond the City of Fremantle cherish South Beach. Given this, our engagement process seeks perspectives from people near and far, with face-to-face and digital engagement methods.
How we are engaging with Stakeholders
The place plan involved a collaborative engagement, incorporating universal accessibility, cultural celebration, environmental protection, and climate readiness. As a living document, it safeguards South Beach's essence while fostering evolution. Join us in this transformative decade-long journey, where the South Beach Place Plan shapes a vibrant, interconnected community hub for all. In summary:
- We held a Public Drop-in: Saturday, 30 October: 9 am-11 am
- Undertook South Beach Place Plan Survey - The survey will close Monday, 15 November.
- Facilitated South Beach Place Plan - Reference Group (see Terms of Reference - right of screen)
- We have provided summaries of each engagement exercise (e.g. Drop-in, surveys etc.) via project updates to ensure we understood your views clearly and maintained transparency.
- Please register for project updates via the "Follow Project".
Stay Connected
Stay connected and stay informed! Don't miss out on the latest project updates. Register now to receive timely notifications through our "Follow Project" feature. As this plan evolves, we'll regularly check in, provide reports, and make necessary adjustments. Your involvement ensures that this living document remains dynamic and responsive to our shared goals. Join us in shaping the future by staying engaged and following the journey closely.