Next locations: Stevens St & Curedale St
Thank you for your submissions regarding new locations for the Solar Powered Speed Radars (Speed Radars). In total we received 38 responses from the public. Taking into consideration the responses of residents, street characteristics, and traffic flow, the City has decided Stevens St and Curedale St are the best locations for the Speed Radars. These two locations will be used for a 6-month period.
Location Preferences
Using First Preferences for Speed Radar locations, the tally of preferred locations is summarised in the table below:
Location |
Total |
Davies Street |
6 |
Stevens Street |
5 |
Curedale Street |
5 |
Curedale St
Although Davies St recorded the highest tally of First Preferences, from a traffic flow perspective the City considers Stevens St and Curedale St as better options for the Speed Radar. The primary reasons for this decision is because,
- Davies St is a short street, next to Curedale St; and,
- Curedale St is a longer road, connected to Lefroy Rd from South St.
Given these factors, the City believes a Speed Radar would have greater impact on traffic speeds if Curedale St was selected over Davies St.
Importantly, the City is not omitting Davies St from possible Speed Radar locations in the future. Davies St will remain as a short-listed location for future Speed Radar placement.
Stevens St
Rather than place two radars on neighbouring streets in the suburb of Fremantle, the City has decided to install a Speed Radar on Stevens St in White Gum Valley. In placing the Speed Radars in Fremantle and White Gum Valley, we believe this will have more impact on driver speeds across a wider area.
Next Steps
The precise location of the Speed Radars on Curedale St and Stevens St will be influenced by the availability and direction of sunlight, and services and infrastructure on these streets.
Thank you for your responses to the Speed Radar locations.
If you have any questions about our Speed Radars please read the Q&A section (right of screen) or contact Dwight Kostusik on
Thank you for your contribution!
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