South Fremantle Solar Farm Business Plan
Consultation has concluded

Submissions on the business plan for the South Fremantle solar farm have now closed.
The City of Fremantle released a business plan for the proposed South Fremantle solar farm for public comment in May 2018.
The business plan provides details on issues like the financial implications of the project for the City, how the project relates to the City’s strategic plan and how the project will impact on the City’s ability to deliver facilities and services.
To find out more about the business plan, view the information in the document library.
Background to the project
The solar farm is aContinue reading
Submissions on the business plan for the South Fremantle solar farm have now closed.
The City of Fremantle released a business plan for the proposed South Fremantle solar farm for public comment in May 2018.
The business plan provides details on issues like the financial implications of the project for the City, how the project relates to the City’s strategic plan and how the project will impact on the City’s ability to deliver facilities and services.
To find out more about the business plan, view the information in the document library.
Background to the project
The solar farm is a key component towards the City achieving its One Planet Strategy target of being powered by 100 per cent renewable energy by 2025.
It is proposed to be built on the former South Fremantle landfill site, which was used for waste disposal from the 1930s until 1991 and is registered as a contaminated site.
The City of Fremantle has been investigating land use and management options for the site since 1985.
The idea of developing a solar farm was endorsed by the council in 2013 on the basis that the panel structures could sit on the surface of the soil and would require minimal disturbance to the site.
Following an expression of interest process the City signed an exclusive working agreement with Australian renewable energy company Epuron in 2015. Epuron submitted a development application for the project in January this year.
Planning approval for the project was granted by the City in April, but there are a number of conditions that must be satisfied prior to development commencing.
This includes the preparation of a site management plan, which must be reviewed and approved by an independent contaminated sites auditor.
Solar farm lease area:
What are the next steps?
At their meeting on the 26 September 2018 Council approved the business plan so details of a lease will be finalised for signing. The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) must approve the lease and will not do so unless it is satisfied with the plans for site management.
Epuron will amend its site management plan and prepare a construction management plan in accordance with the City and the auditor’s requirements. The revised documents will be made available to the public prior to commencement of construction on the South Fremantle Solar Farm project page.
Business Plan Approved by Council
Share Business Plan Approved by Council on Facebook Share Business Plan Approved by Council on Twitter Share Business Plan Approved by Council on Linkedin Email Business Plan Approved by Council linkCouncil approved the business plan on 26 September 2018. You can view the Council minutes here.
The City will not sign the lease until Epuron has met all conditions of the development approval and all environmental approvals.
Report to committee and council
Share Report to committee and council on Facebook Share Report to committee and council on Twitter Share Report to committee and council on Linkedin Email Report to committee and council linkA report on the South Fremantle Solar Farm Business Plan will be considered by the City of Fremantle’s Finance, Policy, Operations and Legislation (FPOL) Committee on Wednesday 12 September 2018 and Council on Wednesday 26 September The meeting will start at 6 pm in the North Fremantle Community Hall, 2 Thompson Road, North Fremantle.
If the business plan is approved, Epuron and the City will go on to draft the lease. The City will not sign the lease until Epuron has met all conditions of the development approval and all environmental approvals.
In the meantime, Epuron is progressing with detailed design and is exploring layouts with panels only on the flat areas. This would mean minimal disturbance to the existing ground levels including leaving the bund in place.
Based on the final layout, site management protocols for both the construction and operational phases will be prepared for the Department of Environmental Regulation (DWER) auditor and the City to review. No approvals will be issued until all of these parties are satisfied.
The City anticipates being able to provide another community update on the final layout of panels and site management requirements early in 2019. Subject to approvals, construction is likely to begin in autumn when winds are calm.
The agenda and reports for the FPOL meeting is available for viewing on Friday 5 September 2018. Information about addressing the committee on the item in public question time is also available here.
Community engagement concluded
Share Community engagement concluded on Facebook Share Community engagement concluded on Twitter Share Community engagement concluded on Linkedin Email Community engagement concluded linkThe public comment period on the Solar Farm business plan has now closed. Thank you for your contributions.
The submissions received are now being considered.
A report on the South Fremantle Solar Farm business plan is will go to council in September 2018.
Looking for more information?
Stage 1: Submissions open
South Fremantle Solar Farm Business Plan has finished this stageFormal public consultation on business plan.
10 May - 21 June
Stage 2: Submissions reviewed
South Fremantle Solar Farm Business Plan has finished this stageSubmissions are reviewed and evaluated, prior to a report being prepared for the Finance, Policy, Operations and Legislation Committee.
Stage 3: Submissions to the Finance, Policy, Operations and Legislation Committee and Council
South Fremantle Solar Farm Business Plan has finished this stageFinance, Policy, Operations and Legislation Committee and Council considers the report and any recommended changes to the business plan. The committee decision and any final amendments are submitted to council for final approval.
Stage 4: Council
South Fremantle Solar Farm Business Plan is currently at this stageThe Business Plan was approved by Council at their meeting on the 26 September 2018.
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