What is the Safe & Functional streets engagement program?

    The Safe & Functional Streets Engagement Program by the City of Fremantle is a municipal initiative aimed at improving road safety, enhancing the functionality of streets, and ensuring a more pleasant and liveable urban environment. It focuses on implementing traffic calming measures and addressing narrow streets issues to create safer and more functional streetscapes.

    Why is this engagement work being done?

    The engagement work is being undertaken to address several key objectives, including:

    • Enhancing road safety for all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists.
    • Reducing vehicle speeds to make streets safer and more attractive.
    • Improving the functionality of streets, which can include elements like efficient traffic flow and better accessibility for residents and businesses.
    • Promoting sustainable transportation options and making streets more pedestrian and cyclist-friendly

    What is the Traffic Calming policy?

    The Traffic Calming policy outlines strategies and measures aimed at slowing down vehicular traffic in residential areas and neighbourhoods. These measures typically include speed humps, roundabouts, chicanes, and other physical interventions to encourage safer driving behaviours and reduce vehicle speeds.

    What is the Narrow Streets policy?

    The Narrow Streets policy focuses on addressing issues related to narrow streets in the city. It may involve measures such as one-way traffic flow, parking restrictions, and street design changes to improve traffic flow and safety on these streets.

    What's the difference between traffic calming and traffic issues?

    Traffic calming specifically refers to measures and policies designed to reduce vehicle speeds and enhance safety, especially in residential areas. Traffic issues can encompass a broader range of concerns related to traffic management, including congestion, parking, and road infrastructure.

    How long will it take from this engagement until we see results?

    The timeline for seeing results can vary depending on the specific measures proposed, budget constraints, and the complexity of the project. Typically, it may take several months to a few years to fully implement and assess the effectiveness of traffic calming and narrow streets policies.

    What is the current process? How do I raise it with the City?

    To raise concerns or participate in the Safe & Functional Streets Engagement Program, residents can typically:

    • Contact the City of Fremantle through their official channels, such as the website or City Admin offices.
    • Attend public meetings, workshops, or engagement sessions hosted by the City.
    • Submit feedback and suggestions through designated platforms or public consultations.

    What are you asking me to do on this engagement?

    The City may be asking residents to provide input on proposed traffic calming and narrow streets measures, attend meetings or workshops, and share their concerns and suggestions to help shape the policies and projects.

    Why can't you just reduce the speed?

    While reducing speed limits can contribute to road safety, it can also lead to driver frustration if not accompanied by appropriate traffic calming measures. Drivers may become frustrated when they perceive speed limits as arbitrarily low and encounter delays in their journeys. This frustration can sometimes lead to non-compliance with speed limits, aggressive driving behaviours, and a negative impact on the overall traffic environment. Therefore, it's essential to implement a comprehensive approach that combines speed limit reductions with well-designed traffic calming measures to effectively address safety concerns while minimising driver frustration.

    Context Matters: What works as an appropriate speed limit in one area may not be suitable for another. Speed limits need to be context-specific and consider factors such as road design, land use, and traffic volume.

    Economic Costs: Lower speeds can also have economic implications, as increased travel times and fuel consumption can result in higher transportation costs for businesses and individuals.

    How does the City currently score and assess road safety needs?

    The City typically assesses road safety needs through a combination of data analysis and community feedback. They may consider factors such as accident reports, traffic volume, road conditions, and input from residents to determine where safety improvements are most needed. This assessment process helps prioritize projects and allocate resources to areas with the greatest need for improvements.