Proposal to improve Hughes Street and Carrington Street intersection - Black Spot Initiative

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Each year the City of Fremantle reviews crash sites on the road network with the express aim of procuring funding through the Black Spot initiative to improve road safety. The projects selected for funding can range from major intersection upgrades to minor interventions. The selection process for funding is based on a basic metric which includes a history of crash incidents impacting the community.

Incident and crash data has identified the local intersection of Hughes Street and Carrington Street as an area where improvements could be made to promote road safety and potentially decrease the number of road incidents and injuries in our community.

The intersection of Hughes Street and Carrington Street presents a combination of issues that has likely contributed to the crash rate at the location, these include;

1. A limited sight crest curve on Carrington St to the south.

2. Crossing two lanes to turn right.

To help prevent future incidents the City is proposing to use Black Spot funding to permanently remove the ability to make a right turn at the intersection of Hughes Street and Carrington Street.

As this change would remove access in one direction for Hughes Street, we understand there may be some concern from local residents, businesses and those who use the intersection as an alternate route during peak times.

In the interest of road safety, we are seeking feedback from the community on this proposal. The City is committed to engaging with local businesses and residents who may be impacted by the change.

If you have any questions, please contact the traffic engineering team on 1300 693 736 or

Please provide your feedback using the submission form below by Monday 7 November 2022.

Each year the City of Fremantle reviews crash sites on the road network with the express aim of procuring funding through the Black Spot initiative to improve road safety. The projects selected for funding can range from major intersection upgrades to minor interventions. The selection process for funding is based on a basic metric which includes a history of crash incidents impacting the community.

Incident and crash data has identified the local intersection of Hughes Street and Carrington Street as an area where improvements could be made to promote road safety and potentially decrease the number of road incidents and injuries in our community.

The intersection of Hughes Street and Carrington Street presents a combination of issues that has likely contributed to the crash rate at the location, these include;

1. A limited sight crest curve on Carrington St to the south.

2. Crossing two lanes to turn right.

To help prevent future incidents the City is proposing to use Black Spot funding to permanently remove the ability to make a right turn at the intersection of Hughes Street and Carrington Street.

As this change would remove access in one direction for Hughes Street, we understand there may be some concern from local residents, businesses and those who use the intersection as an alternate route during peak times.

In the interest of road safety, we are seeking feedback from the community on this proposal. The City is committed to engaging with local businesses and residents who may be impacted by the change.

If you have any questions, please contact the traffic engineering team on 1300 693 736 or

Please provide your feedback using the submission form below by Monday 7 November 2022.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please provide your feedback on the proposed change by Monday 7 November 2022. 

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Page last updated: 11 Nov 2022, 11:50 AM