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Share Hilton Garden Sundowner Saturday May 14 from 4.30pm on Facebook
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Hilton neighbours are invited to attend the Garden Sundowner on Saturday May 14, 2022 from 4.30pm to 7.00pm at the Harvest Community Garden, Rennie Cresent, Hilton. The event will include a "talking waste" session with a City Officer, coffee scrub making workshop (BYO wide jar), woodfired pizzas and music by Clayton and Georgia. Check out the poster for more details.
Share Celebrating Hilton Women Event on 8 March 2022 at 6.30pm on Facebook
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The Hilton Precinct is hosting an inaugural International Women's Day event for all Hilton Women!
Come and meet and celebrate with old friends, while you watch the sunset from Pocket Park, top of Clarke St, Hilton WA 6163. To learn more about the event visit the
event page or contact
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Saturday 31 July at 10.00am
A local community event to learn more about bees, creating bee friendly gardens and make seed bombs to spread in our gardens! PLUS...enjoy a complimentary morning tea with your Hilton neighbours!
Limited places-please register at this link
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Great news! The Hello Hilton! event that was postponed due to weather has been rescheduled. Pop the new date in your diary - Saturday 21 November, 10am - 3pm.
Join us for a day in the garden to celebrate our local place. Re-connect with your neighbours, discover local stories and home-grown music, and meet the gardeners, makers and creators of our community.
Hilton Harvest Community Garden, Rennie Crescent, Hilton
- Live local music from Call Me Charlie, Maia Harcourt, Marie O'Dwyer and the Copper Leaves and a famous home grown mystery guest!
- All day coffee van and food trucks
- Produce stall
- Hilton Harvest garden tour and seedling stall
- Kids activities making paper pots/seedlings
- Yarning circle
- Makers market (email hiltonprecinct@gmail to get involved)
- Circus workshop with your local Fremantle Circus.
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Join the Beaconsfield precinct group (Beacy Web) for a community garden workshop, picnic and chat.
Sunday, August 30th 11am – 1pm
Winterfold Primary School Community Garden (Behind the Kindy)
Annie Street, Beaconsfield.
Learn about composting, during a BYO picnic lunch (bring your own picnic and some scraps for the compost!) followed by a chat about a potential community garden at Winterfold Primary School. Shani Graham from Ecoburbia is going to share with us her knowledge of composting and gardening and you can learn about the new developments for the local community garden.
Open to everyone! Contact the precinct convenors Cynthia or Carissa to register your interest by emailing and
Share Special meeting regarding the proposed Fremantle Traffic Bridge alignment on Facebook
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The North Fremantle Precinct Group is hosting a public meeting about the proposed new Fremantle Traffic Bridge alignment and associated Rail Bridge.
“CHANGE THE ALIGNMENT” – Our Bridge, our say!
When: 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm on Tuesday 25th August 2020 Pre registered attendees, will have priority registration from 5.00 pm to 5.30 pm. Unregistered attendees will be accepted after 5.30 until the hall capacity is reached. (100)
Where: North Fremantle Community Hall, 2 Thompson Road, North Fremantle
Format: Information from speakers will precede questions from the floor and discussion about future action on this vital issue.
Registration: (COVID requirement) If you intend coming you must RSVP as soon as possible to, with your full name and contact telephone number, then please arrive at 5.00-5.30pm to confirm attendance. If you would like your email address on the NFCA email network then please also indicate this.
Special Requirements: A limit of 100 people applies to the hall that we have booked. Social distancing, use of hand sanitisers and registration of all attendees, either pre RSVP or at the door with contact details is required. Please do not attend if you have a cold, flu or fever.
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"On a brilliantly sunny and warm afternoon, the play space was ‘officially’ opened on July 2nd. Those attending included students from East Fremantle Primary who were creatively involved in the consultations to design the new play space, local users of the play space and other local residents, Fremantle staff involved in the design and construction of the play space, and Mayor Brad Pettitt and four Councillors. Speeches were short and group photos should show what a happy event it was." - Gibson Park Precinct
The City would also like to thank the Gibson Park precinct group for their ongoing commitment to this project, delivered as part of the City's play space renewal project. Read the full article here.
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Hilton Precinct hosted a very successful Winter Solstice Lantern Walk on 20 June with around 100 people attending.
There were lantern displays on verges and yards and after the walk locals gathered for some live music and shared warm treats around the fire.

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Please note: Due to the impacts of COVID-19 the Afternoon Fiesta has been tentatively postponed until December 2020. New details will be published later in the year.
On Sunday 19 April 2020, join the Samson Precinct Group and Samson Friends for an Afternoon Fiesta at Samson Park.
Come down between 3-5pm, bring some food to share and an outdoor game.
There'll be kids activities, food, craft and music - it's a great chance to meet your neighbours and learn about your precinct.