Phase 1 - Site Works Commence October, 2021
The City has recently engaged a contractor for phase 1 and works are anticipated to commence from early October 2021, taking approximately 4 – 8 weeks to complete.
What to expect?
For the safety of the public and to minimise disruption, a series of safety measures and construction management plans have been put in place including:
• Works will be carried out between the hours of 7am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
• Sections of the southern car park, main car park and beach access points will be closed to the public to enable the safe movement of construction vehicles to and from the works area.
• The program of works will commence at Sandtrax Beach and move in a northwards direction, with the work site barricaded at all times for the safety of beach users.
• The works will involve earthworks machinery and a sand screening plant working on the beach and shifting material to stockpiles located in the closed areas of carpark. There will also be trucks entering and leaving the site from time to time.
Whilst public safety measures will be put in place, visitors to Port Beach will still be able to access open areas of the beach and water during the program of works and outside of construction hours.
Consultation has concluded