Nannine Common Session 02 Reminder

Hi All,

Just a reminder, the Nannine Common Presentation of the Masterplan by Josh Byrne & Associates (JBA) is on next week.

5:45 for a 6 pm start –7 pm
Wednesday, 10 May 2023.

Sullivan Hall, 2 Nannine Ave, White Gum Valley

We warmly invite the Community to a 1-hour sit-down session to discuss the concept the City of Fremantle (the City) and JBA have put together for community feedback.

The concept + engagement 'homework' is available to view prior to the session here .

Following the presentation, a follow-up survey will be made available to capture additional comments and understand priorities.

We thank you all for your input into this project and look forward to sharing more with you soon.

Please forward the below information to interested community members and we ask you to register to My say Freo as we will be sending newsletter updates out regarding the project.

View Concept and Engagement Homework prior to session here

Visit the Nannine Common project page

Thank you

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