Nannine Common - Master Plan Community Engagement Report

The Nannine Common Draft Master Plan Community Engagement Report is now available to view online. Please refer to the Community Engagement Documents on this page.

Following consultation with the community, the project team identified common themes, areas of agreement, and challenges for the Nannine Common master plan.

Overall findings of the report are summarised below.

The diagram above captures the essence of the feedback for Nannine Common's concept masterplan to be read with the overall findings summarised below and located on page 16-17 of the report.

Overall Findings

What was agreed upon:

  • Biodiversity Corridor: There is unanimous support for extending the Booyembara Park and connecting it to the Hope Street swale to enhance biodiversity.
  • Informal Seating: The idea of creating an area with seating for everyday use, as well as occasional events and gatherings, along with a small stage, is well-received. The design will utilise existing levels to minimise retention and associated costs.
  • Pedestrian Connectivity: Increasing walkability and enhancing connections within the area is endorsed by all participants.
  • Green Buffer: The concept of a green buffer is positively received by participants.

What needs further discussion:

  • Sullivan Hall: Further investigation is required to determine how Sullivan Hall can integrate and function with Nannine Common. Exploring upgrades and potential openings to the park was suggested.
  • SHAC Connection: Design development is needed to ensure a proper connection while maintaining the shared nature of Nannine Common.
  • Central Area: The purpose of the central area is unresolved. Some advocate for a new building, while others favour improving Sullivan Hall. Preferences vary from community gardens to lower-key productive gardens and local parks.

Next Steps

The concept masterplan for Nannine Common highlights areas of agreement, yet the unresolved central space holds particular importance. To address this, the City proposes an additional workshop where the community can share their ideas, concerns, and hopes.

Once again, we thank the community for your time and input to this project. Together, we aim to create a solution that aligns with our shared vision, considering both current and future amenities. With inclusivity in mind, the community will receive at least one month's notice before the workshop, allowing ample preparation time for all involved.

It is important to note that no budgets have been allocated for the delivery of the greater masterplan and resolution of the plan is essential in determining future budgets.

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