Walyalup Koort Play Space
Consultation has concluded

Concept design released
The Kings Square play space concept design is inspired by Fremantle’s industrial history and close links with nature. It includes design features such as cranes, bridges, train tracks and shipping containers and incorporates natural elements including water and trees.
It also includes lighting treatments, interactive soundscapes and tactile nature play elements. The draft concept has different zones to appeal to toddlers through to primary school aged children and has been designed to be accessible for children with disabilities. The plan was endorsed by council in February 2018.
Take a look at the draft concept plan and perspectives.
Concept design released
The Kings Square play space concept design is inspired by Fremantle’s industrial history and close links with nature. It includes design features such as cranes, bridges, train tracks and shipping containers and incorporates natural elements including water and trees.
It also includes lighting treatments, interactive soundscapes and tactile nature play elements. The draft concept has different zones to appeal to toddlers through to primary school aged children and has been designed to be accessible for children with disabilities. The plan was endorsed by council in February 2018.
Take a look at the draft concept plan and perspectives.
Lotterywest comes to play in Kings Square
Share Lotterywest comes to play in Kings Square on Facebook Share Lotterywest comes to play in Kings Square on Twitter Share Lotterywest comes to play in Kings Square on Linkedin Email Lotterywest comes to play in Kings Square linkThe City of Fremantle has been successful in securing a $342,000 grant from Lotterywest to go towards the new play space in Kings Square. You can read more in the media release by clicking here or visiting: www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/news-and-media/3082019-lotterywest-comes-play-kings-square
Concept design endorsed by council
Share Concept design endorsed by council on Facebook Share Concept design endorsed by council on Twitter Share Concept design endorsed by council on Linkedin Email Concept design endorsed by council linkThe concept design for the new play space in Kings Square was endorsed by council on 28 February 2018, as part of the overall concept design for the public space upgrade.
Read the full report on the play space concept design below
Kings Square Play Space Concept Design
The next step for the project will be to complete a play safety and accessibility audit and further investigations to inform the detailed design.
Draft concept design before council in February
Share Draft concept design before council in February on Facebook Share Draft concept design before council in February on Twitter Share Draft concept design before council in February on Linkedin Email Draft concept design before council in February linkThe draft concept is expected to be presented to council in February as one of a number of major elements in the broader public space renewal program.
Following approval by council, the play space project will move into the detailed design and documentation phase.
What we've heard so far
Share What we've heard so far on Facebook Share What we've heard so far on Twitter Share What we've heard so far on Linkedin Email What we've heard so far linkMany thanks to the kids and families who shared their ideas to help us plan for a new children's play space for the Kings Square redevelopment.
We received many contributions that gave us some great information about what kinds of play activities are most preferred, specific things people would like to see included and key design considerations.
This is what you told us:
What would you like to do most in the Kings Square play space?
The top three selections from local school children were: climbing, water play and swinging.
The top three selections from parents were: water play, climbing and being in nature.Through their worksheets and models, local school children expressed a preference for the following play elements:
Climbing (including ladders), sliding, trees (including treehouses and cubby), flying fox/ zip-line (speed), stepping stones (balancing), water elements.Parent and carer's responses across the ideas board showed clear preferences for: water play, natural elements (including use of recycled materials, making use of the trees, keeping elements simple to inspire imagination).
Elements to include for inclusion (specifically autism spectrum) include: tactile elements, activities that use and develop gross motor skills and cause and effect/motivation.
Underpinning the overall design are two key considerations that were raised frequently in our discussion with parents:
Flexible space – “give it a festival feel and mix it up” ideas included accommodating children’s events, library activities, creative or drama activities and concerts.
Design for multi-ages – elements for little ones but also consider older siblings and teens; make it a multi-generational space where people can mix informally.Other considerations raised were: safety and security, refreshments nearby and shade / shelter.
You can read the report here.We will now use this data to develop a draft concept design for the new play space, which we'll present to the community early 2018.
Exhibition of ideas
Share Exhibition of ideas on Facebook Share Exhibition of ideas on Twitter Share Exhibition of ideas on Linkedin Email Exhibition of ideas linkCome to the Fremantle Library to see the ideas of nearly 170 local school students for the new Kings Square play space.
Jean Hobson recently visited the Library and said: “I’m really impressed with the ideas I’ve already seen from local school children and I expect before the end of this process there’ll be a lot more come in!”.
Mrs Hobson said she was pleased a new generation of local children and their parents are helping design a brand new play space in the city centre.
The school workshop ideas will be on display until 24 October 2017.
The Jean Hobson playground
Share The Jean Hobson playground on Facebook Share The Jean Hobson playground on Twitter Share The Jean Hobson playground on Linkedin Email The Jean Hobson playground linkThe current playground in Kings Square is named after prominent local identity and former Fremantle Deputy Mayor Jean Hobson. Jean was instrumental in encouraging other Councillors of the day to support the playground. We were delighted to meet her recently and learn more about the back story to the Kings Square playground. See the original press clipping from its naming 1992.
School workshops
Share School workshops on Facebook Share School workshops on Twitter Share School workshops on Linkedin Email School workshops linkWe had a great time working with students from five local schools on design ideas for the new space. See our photo gallery for more images of these events and check out their ideas on display at Fremantle Library until 24 October 2017.
Time line
School Workshops
Walyalup Koort Play Space has finished this stageExpression of interest to City of Fremantle schools to participate in a design workshop.
Five local schools responded to our expression of interest for a workshop. Nearly 170 City of Fremantle school students from Beaconsfield, Hilton, Fremantle, Samson and Lance Holt developed, modelled and presented their ideas to City staff and a Council representative.
Early Years and Families
Walyalup Koort Play Space has finished this stageWe'll be heading to Buster's Birthday Celebration at Hilton PCYC to speak to parents of young children about their thoughts, and work with pre-schoolers through our specially designed activity.
See us at the drop-in session at Esplanade Youth Park for families with young children to share their thoughts with us over a coffee.
Library Display and Online Contributions
Walyalup Koort Play Space has finished this stageYou can tell us your ideas online via My Say Freo, or download a design pack, complete it and return to us.
We will also be distributing information to local child care providers and key early years groups.
Children's ideas will be on display at the City of Fremantle Library 22 September to 24 October, come and see what our youngest community members have come up with. -
Compiling Ideas
Walyalup Koort Play Space has finished this stageAll of the ideas and thoughts provided will be compiled and analysed. The City will work with the appointed Landscape Architect team to develop this into a concept design.
Concept Design Released
Walyalup Koort Play Space has finished this stageThe concept design developed and released for feedback.
Detailed Design and Construction
Walyalup Koort Play Space is currently at this stageConstruction is expected to commence in August 2020 and be completed by December.
Stay in touch!
We'd love to stay in touch with all of the Freo kids who helped create the Kings Square Play Space, but if you've moved schools or headed off to high school since the design sessions in 2017 we may not be able to reach you.
Please email us at communityengagement@fremantle.wa.gov.au and include your name / your child's name so we can contact you when the play space is ready to launch!
Image Gallery
Phone 1300 MY FREO (1300 69 3736) Email communityengagement@fremantle.wa.gov.au