What are the current issues faced on Doepel Street?

    The current trees (Tipuana tipu) have an invasive root system causing ongoing damage to existing infrastructure such as asphalt, kerbs and concrete paths. In the past few years, emergency repair work has been undertaken on roads and verges; however, infrastructure damage is expected to continue if the problematic trees are not addressed. 

    The City of Fremantle aims to develop a plan for succession tree planting along Doepel Street, with the input of local residences, businesses, and the wider community.

    What characteristics are required for a future street tree at Doepel Street?

    • Right species for local soil and climate conditions
    • Right scale for the location
    • Mature canopy spread
    • Long lived
    • Tolerance of pests and diseases
    •  Low risk of major limb drop
    • Low allergenic
    • Consideration of underground services
    • Increased root zone areas for healthy tree growth.
    • Biodiversity and habitat considerations

    How can the community contribute to the future of Doepel Street?

    This closing stage provides opportunity for final comments, queries and support on the Concept Design Report. The City will then assess relevant comments and integrate them into the next stage of design development for the streetscape.

    This stage is not about redesigning or changing the collaborative work done but is about closing the loop with the Community. The City will then report and check in periodically regarding the future of Doepel Street with interest community members to allow for opportunities to keep informed on the project progress.

    This can be done by attending the Community Drop-in Session on September 30th (refer to above for further information) or via My Say Freo Survey from September 13th to October 13th.