What happens to my comments?

    Your submission will be reviewed by the assessing officer and considered in the assessment of the development application. A copy of your submission will be provided to the applicant to allow them to respond to any issues raised and to council, to assist in their decision-making. 

    A summary of your submission may be included in publicly available council and planning committee reports. Personal details such as your name and address will be removed.

    Can I attend the Planning Committee meeting?

    Yes, planning Committee meetings are open to the public. The meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at 6.00 pm at Council Chamber, Walyalup Civic Centre, 151 High Street, Fremantle

    Question time is held at the beginning of the meeting to allow members of the public to address the committee. If you would like to do this, you'll need to register - find out how on the council meetings page(External link)

    Agendas and minutes of the planning committee meetings are available here(External link).

    All submitters will be advised of the planning committee date and it will also be published on the My Say Freo page.

    Who will decide this development application?

    The decision-maker for this planning application is the Metropolitan South-West Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP). JDAP is administered by the Department of Planning to determine planning applications, if the development value is over a certain threshold.

    Before JDAP makes a decision, the Planning Committee will review the City's report to JDAP. These meetings occur on the first Wednesday of every month and are open to the public.

    What's a Joint Development Assessment Panel?

    Development Assessment Panels have independent technical experts and local government elected members who are appointed to determine some development applications.

    The panel composition provides a balance between the local knowledge of elected members and the technical expertise of the independent members in determining significant development applications.

    DAPs are required to make decisions based on the local planning scheme and associated planning policies.

    For more information on Development Assessment Panels, please visit the Department of Planning website, (External link)email daps@planning.wa.gov.au or phone (08) 6551 9919.