Structure Plan to be re-considered by Council - 27 May 2020
An item relating to the above proposal will be considered at the Ordinary Meeting of Council which is currently scheduled to be held on Wednesday 27 May 2020. This meeting is due to be held at the City’s Administration Building located at 70 Parry Street, Fremantle, commencing at 6.00pm.
Due to the current situation regarding COVID-19, Council meetings are no longer open to the public, however, written deputations can be provided prior to the meeting where they will be read out to elected members. Please email your comments/questions to before 4 pm, the day of the meeting (27th), and please state your full name and the item or subject of your submission in the email.
Copies of the agenda, including the report and any attachments for the abovementioned item, are available for viewing from the Friday afternoon prior to the meeting. The agenda may be downloaded from the Agendas and Minutes page of the City’s website.
Consultation has concluded