JDAP Decision - 20 July 2021
This item will be considered at the Metro Inner-South JDAP meeting on 20 July 2021. This DAP meeting will be conducted by electronic means open to the public rather than requiring attendance in person.
You can view the agenda and information on how to connect to the meeting on the DAP website: DAPs agendas and minutes - Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (dplh.wa.gov.au)
All requests to speak at the meeting must be made in writing to the JDAP (not the City) no later than 3 days prior to the meeting via the presentation request form on this page: https://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/about/development-assessment-panels/daps-publications,-fees,-forms-and-templates
Consultation has concluded. JDAP approved this application at their meeting on 20 July 2021.