Why is this being proposed?

    This project has been initiated because of the Main Roads WA High Street upgrade project. The City has committed to ensuring a suitable replacement community facility and the provision of a remediated Fremantle Public Golf Course with similar facilities and functionality.

    As part of the replacement works, it is proposed to combine the golf clubhouse and community facility into a co-located building. Co-locating with the golf clubhouse provides numerous potential benefits such as design and construction efficiency, shared services, shared operating costs, increased activation, passive surveillance and shared car parking.

    Where is the proposed building envelope?

    The indicative design envelope for a co-located building is shown below. The proposed location is in the vicinity of the Montreal Street entry to Booyeembara Park.

    The proposed location of the building would reach a catchment area of approximately 1km radius, complimenting existing amenities in the locality to cater to the current and emerging community.

    Main Roads WA have also propose an underpass for Montreal Street (under High Street) which will help link the Gibson Park Precinct area to this section of Fremantle. 

    Will this impact Booyeembara Park?

    The facility will seek to maximise the connection with Booyeembara Park and link to the park providing additional outdoor space that can be utilised by activities being undertaken at the building. 

    The proposed building envelope is located at the Montreal Street entry to Booyeembara Park as shown in the image below. The image is looking back towards Montreal Street from inside the park. 

    Part of the architectural brief will be that the design should complement and blend with the surrounding environment, and reflect the uniqueness and character of the community it services. 

    How would the building be managed?

    The community facility components of the building will be managed through the City’s community facility hire process and not provided to any specific organisation for exclusive use through a lease or licence agreement.

    Is the proposed facility for Fremantle Environmental Resource Network (FERN)?

    The proposed new facility would not be for exclusive use, but for multiple community groups. 

    Current council policy prefers that community facilities have multiple users rather than a single tenant and requires an open process of evaluation of proposals from community groups based on community needs.

    Is there contamination on the site?

    A detailed site investigation of Booyeembara Park was undertaken by a third party expert (GHD) in 2012, which did identify bonded asbestos. 

    Because of this a Site Management Plan (SMP) was developed by GHD to mitigate risks to health and the environment during maintenance, remedial work or civil works within the park. It assigned a risk rating of ‘Low’ with the asbestos, based on properly implementing the SMP. 

    The SMP is available from the City’s website, to download you can click here or use the direct link: https://www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/Booyeembara%20Park%20Site%20Management%20Plan%20-%20June%202014%20%283%29_0.pdf 

    What is the expected timeframe for the club house facilities?

    At this stage the new club house facilities are expected to open January 2022. The current timeline for the golf course works can be found here: www.fremantle.wa.gov.au/page/fremantle-golf-course  

    How is this project funded?

    Co-located golf clubhouse, cafe & community facility. There is a fixed budget for the project as a result of the Main Roads WA project. The location, orientation and configuration of the building affects costs such as the site works required.

    Improvements to Booyeembara Park. Subject to approval, the City has received a cash-in-lieu contribution specifically for this purpose as a condition of subdivision from nearby land (Binco Street).