Schematic design to be considered by Council
An update on the schematic design of the clubhouse, cafe and community facility is going to the Finance, Policy, Operations and Legislation Committee (FPOL) Committee on Wednesday 11 November 2020. The community engagement feedback and direction from Council is reflected in the proposal. The report also seeks approval to progress to detailed design and construction procurement.
The Fremantle Golf Course Clubhouse and Community Centre Schematic Design Report (refer attachment 1 of agenda) has been developed to address several project objectives.
The consultant architect also used the feedback from community consultation to help drive the building design in terms of functionality, aesthetic and how it fits in with the surrounding area.
The design approach to the planning and form of this project was derived from a response to the projects’ three faces:
• a golf clubhouse for the Fremantle Golf Course
• a community centre for the Fremantle community
• a café for the community and users of Booyeembara Park.
The reports are detailed and are best viewed in full. This report relates to the building, with other work still ongoing.
Find the report and attachments on the City's agendas and minutes page or you can click the links below to access each document directly:
• Committee report - see the FPOL agenda.
• Schematic design and technical reports (relate to image above) - see agenda attachments.