Engagement Findings Compiled
Thank you to everyone who participated in the planning for this new facility. You can now find the compiled outcomes of stage three engagement on this project, either in the document library on this page or by clicking here.
Next Steps
This input will be reviewed and interpreted by the architect to inform the design of the building including the rooms, spaces, facilities and layout. The input received from all users will also guide the buildings location, orientation and how it will be required to interface and work with its surrounds.
The input on Booyeembara Park improvements will be used to develop the landscape concept plan. This is anticipated to include the whole of the park, including the outcome of a proposal for a formalised Mountain Bike Trail which is under concept development and subject to funding. Further community engagement will occur on the landscape concept plan.
The building and surrounding landscape designs are being coordinated to ensure an integrated and complementary precinct to support a range of functions and uses.
City officers are now working with the consultants to develop a concept plan for the golf clubhouse and community building, as well as the Booyeembara Park landscape concept proposal, to submit to Council for approval to progress schematic designs.