Council Meeting - 13 May 2020
Council Meeting
An item is going to Council to consider a preferred location for the co-located Fremantle Public Golf Course clubhouse and community facility, and to propose further community engagement on design and functionality. The details are:
Wednesday 13 May 2020, 6.00pm
Due to COVID19 until further notice the City will hold Ordinary Council Meetings by electronic means. Questions and statements may still be made and will be presented at the meeting. Please email your comments or questions to before 4.00pm the day of the meeting, and please state your full name and the item or subject of your submission in the email.
You can view the agenda by clicking here or visiting:
Further details
The report going to Council recommends:
- Council endorse the proposed alignment and position of the co-located Fremantle Golf Course clubhouse and community facility as shown below (you can download a larger version here).
- The City carry out community engagement with users and the surrounding community to help develop the design and function of the co-located building.
- Following this a proposed schematic design for the building will go to Council.
The report also covers other aspects of the project and recommends:
- Preparing a design update for Booyeembara Park, detailing the integration with the Golf Course Clubhouse and Community Facility, the Olive Grove and the future options for potential enhanced facilities.
- The current golf course design move to tender phase, noting the area of the golf course adjacent to the building will be further refined to ensure an integrated outcome inclusive of tee 1, hole 9, practice facilities and access, and that the course design accommodates flexibility (notably at holes 5 and 6) to allow potential future changes to increase course length should sufficient budget become available to complete the works.