Draft Boo Park master plan - item to Committee
An item on the draft Boo Park master plan is going to Committee on Wednesday 14 April 2021. The report includes details of the engagement and the draft master plan, recommended for approval.
With the finalisation of the plans for the golf club house and community facility, small changes have also been made to integrate the building into the landscape to allow for a better variety of uses. Internal parking (Option A) has been incorporated for the mountain bike trail area as a result of the feedback.
The City will continue developing proposals for traffic calming options on Stevens and Montreal Streets that also improve pedestrian accessibility.
To view the agenda item, click here or visit the City's Agendas and Minutes page.
To view the agenda attachments, including the Booyeembara Park Landscape Plan, click here.
Finance, Policy, Operations and Legislation (FPOL) Committee Meeting
Wednesday 14 April 2021, 6.00pm. North Fremantle Community Hall, 2 Thompson Road, North Fremantle.
Committee meetings are open to the public. Members of the public are also welcome to attend or speak at Council or Committee meetings, you can find more information on this here.