Council meeting
Thank you for your comments on the proposed Cat Management Local Law. We had nearly 700 visitors to the page and 78 submissions. Around 70 of the submitters supported the proposal, or the broader principle of restricting the movement of cats.
The feedback we received has been compiled into a Community Engagement Report, which you can find in the document library or by clicking here.
Next Steps
The proposal will be recommended for adoption at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday, 13 May 2020.
To view the agenda for this meeting, click here or visit
Due to the novel coronavirus, Ordinary Council Meetings are currently being held by electronic means. You can still make a statement or ask a question which will be presented at the meeting.
If you wish to contribute to this meeting, please email your comments/questions to before 4 pm, Wednesday 13 May, and please state your full name and the item or subject of your submission in the email.
For more information on providing input to a Council meeting, click here or visit
Consultation has concluded