Strategic Community Plan Review 2019
Consultation has concluded.
The updated Strategic Community Plan can be accessed here:

We're reviewing our Strategic Community Plan to check that, 3 years after its adoption, its direction remains current.
The Strategic Community Plan is a high level strategic document which outlines the long term vision, outcomes and objectives for the Fremantle community over the next 10+ years. The current Strategic Community Plan 2015-2025 was prepared based on an extensive community visioning exercise conducted in 2013-14, and was finally adopted by Council in 2016.
Periodic review of the Plan is necessary to ensure that it remains up to date. The current review has sought to confirm that the direction of the Plan remains current and that capacity is better considered. A further, more comprehensive review is scheduled for 2021/22.
What does the Strategic Community Plan currently say?
The Strategic Community Plan envisages Fremantle as “ a destination city:
A city that is clever and creative, inspiring and inclusive.
A city that welcomes and celebrates all people and cultures.
A city that encourages innovation, prosperity and achievement.
A compassionate city that cares for the wellbeing of our people and the environment we share.
A city that thrives on diversity, that dares to be different – and delivers on its promises.”
Strategic Focus Areas (themes)
Specific goals and objectives, based on the key themes identified by the community, are outlined under the following strategic focus areas:
Economic Development
Environmental Responsibility
Transport and Connectivity
Character, Culture and Heritage
Places for People
Health and Happiness
The Strategic Community Plan is complemented by the City’s One Planet Strategy and a range of other strategies, plans and policies which sit underneath it.
What revisions are proposed?
At its ordinary meeting of Council on 17 April 2019, the City of Fremantle Council considered whether the direction of the document remains current, and endorsed revisions to the Plan which do not alter its overall direction but do include some refinements and an updated list of Strategic Projects.
Changes proposed are generally minor in nature and include:
Greater emphasis on Fremantle’s economic strengths in health, education, tourism and the creative industries.
Greater reference to Fremantle’s role as a port.
Acknowledgement of the need to work with the community to achieve environmental sustainability.
Inclusion of reference to innovative technology in pursuing sustainability.
Greater reference to design in achieving balanced (cycle and pedestrian friendly) transport options and combination of some transport measures to reduce overlap.
Replacement of reference to light rail with ‘high frequency fixed route public transport’ to acknowledge the potential for other technologies (for example ‘trackless trams’).
Greater acknowledgement of and reference to pre-European heritage.
Promotion of housing diversity as well as affordability.
Incorporation of reference to recreation nodes (as well as other public spaces) as important ‘places for people’.
Amendment of the health and happiness goal to recognise both physical and social environments.
Grouping of ‘Strategic Projects’ and inclusion of links to key delivery strategies.
Inclusion of reference to redevelopment precincts as important in delivering population-lead revitalisation and other objectives.
Some rationalisation, wording updates and minor restructuring.
Public Comment Period
Comments on the review are requested in writing by 26 May 2019. Submissions will be considered by Council in June prior to a final decision being made on revisions to the plan.
A further more major review of the document is planned for 2021/22.
Further Information
Further information is available in the documents included in the Document Library to the right of this screen. Staff will also be available to answer questions at Community Drop In sessions listed in Key Dates on the right of this screen.
Alternatively, if you can't find what you're looking for, please contact Phillida Rodic on 9345 9999 or by email to