Proposed partial closure - portion of John Street (old road widening) to amalgamate into North Fremantle Primary School
Consultation has concluded

We're proposing to formalise the closure of a part of John Street (grassed area) to amalgamate it as part of North Fremantle Primary School.
This portion of John Street North Fremantle (1,110m2) was originally set aside for the purpose of road widening and now appears as the grassed area extending to the cyclone fence (see photograph to the left).
The Council has supported the Department of Education's request to close this portion of road and amalgamate the land with North Fremantle Primary School Reserve No.30135. You can open a larger version of the map by clicking here.
The proposed partial public road closure and amalgamation is pursuant of Section 58 of the Land Administration Act 1997. The successful inclusion and formalisation of this land into the school site will allow play equipment to be located on the site without the need for a formal agreement with the City of Fremantle, this is currently the case due to the land being part of the roadway.
Submissions are now closed as at 16 November 2018.