Hearing community voices
Over the past 12 months the City has held open days and workshops, sent newsletters and invited community input through its website. People have provided ideas about what should be included in a masterplan and even created their own versions of a possible masterplan.
Some of the things people have been considering are:
- Where is the heart of the place and what uses make it beat?
- How should public open space be used and located?
- How could we walk, cycle, drive and use public transport to get around?
- What type of housing and where could it go?
- What other uses could we have?
The community has some very interesting ideas and we really appreciate the thought and effort people have put into this. The current task of the City and its partners isto create a draft master plan which pulls it all together. We expect to have a draft masterplan ready for community feedback by the middle of 2018.
Here are some of the concepts prepared by community members at our workshop on 24 October.