Draft masterplan
Key features of the draft masterplan
- A landscaped ‘green link’ running from north to south through the masterplan area.
- Existing and new areas for outdoor active recreation, to provide for current and future community needs. This includes keeping Bruce Lee Oval and (in the long term) developing a new full-size sporting oval in the north of the Lefroy Road quarry site.
- Recognition of the importance of South Street as a strategic transport link, carrying a high-frequency bus service, with potential for further development along it to make use of this.
- Upgraded ‘active transport’ links (walking and cycling) to connect areas of open space with schools and other community facilities, and promote walking and cycling as forms of transport as well as exercise.
- Maintenance of retail around the existing shops on South Street (as well as those on Lefroy Road) and shows the potential for further development of this centre.
- Accommodation for the redevelopment of the Davis Park precinct and introduction of a greater diversity of housing throughout the masterplan area.
- Provision for the redevelopment of the Lefroy Road TAFE site, potentially enabling expansion of community facilities such as childcare on Lefroy Road.
- Retention of Fremantle College, acknowledging the community and educational focus this provides, as well as the opportunity to improve traffic management around it.
- Provision for the redevelopment of the south of the Lefroy Road Quarry site and allowing for north-south movement (vehicles and pedestrians) through the site.
- Provision for the redevelopment of lots south of the quarry including the Portuguese Club site and industrial sites on Clontarf Road.
- Retention of the Activ Foundation in their current location for the foreseeable future, based on their current preference.
Explore the draft masterplan and information pack and share your thoughts below by Monday 15 February 2021.
You can also visit our stall at the Freo Farmers Market at Fremantle College on Sunday 31 January 2021, drop in any time between 8.00am and 12 noon to see the plans and tell us what you think.
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