Port Beach sand nourishment project to continue in September
Since sand nourishment works started in July 2022, nearly 50,000m3 of sand has been placed onto Port Beach via “rainbowing”, which equals approximately 30% of our target 150,000m in volume. More works will be occurring in September.
The sand nourishment project will address the current extreme erosion risk level while allowing time for a longer-term planning process to enable the implementation of a managed retreat strategy, that includes the establishment of a broader foreshore reserve to retain a beach and amenities for the community.
As seen in the above image, Port Beach is currently reasonably wide due to the sand that has been placed as part of the sand nourishment project. It is expected that some of the sand may migrate northwards during the summer due to natural seasonal patterns.
There have been no reported environmental issues to date and the ongoing monitoring program has measured acceptable turbidity levels.
Port Beach following recent sand nourishment works 2022.
What To Expect - The Port Beach Sand Nourishment Project
- There will be some localised impact to beach use during the works. For safety reasons, access to certain areas of the beach, including Sandtrax beach, will be restricted during the works.
- Water depths, wave conditions, and currents will be modified and care should be taken.
- Although this has not been experienced to date, it is possible that as ‘wet’ sand is deposited, odour may be generated. This would be expected to dissipate relatively quickly.
- Sand placed on the beach may be of a slightly different colour than the existing beach sand but is expected to blend in over time.
- Dredging and nourishment works will be planned around periods of high tide, so there will likely be some works occurring at night.
- Depending on wind conditions and location of “rainbowing”, salt spray may impact adjacent areas so it is recommended to keep clear of the area.
- The dredging and rainbowing works are not expected to impact access to facilities such as parking, change rooms, the Surf Life Saving Facility and commercial food and beverage outlets.
Consultation has concluded