Local Planning Policy 1.1: Planning Refunds, Amendments, and Community Engagement (LPP 1.1)

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Please note submissions have closed.

The City is seeking comments on a new local planning policy that consolidates and updates several existing local planning polices revolving around administrative processes and procedures.

At the 12 February 2025 Ordinary Council Meeting the draft policy was unanimously endorsed by Council for the purpose of public advertising and community engagement. The policy is now open for community comment.

In summary, the draft Local Planning Policy 1.1 (LPP 1.1) consolidates the existing local planning policies:

  • 1.1: Amendment and Extension to the Term of Planning Approval
  • 1.2: Refunding and Waving/Reducing of Planning Fees and Building Fees
  • 1.3: Public Notification of Planning Proposals

In addition to consolidating the above policies, minor amendments are proposed that vary from the existing policies in the following ways:

  • Modify assessment criteria for extensions of time to development applications in order to align with State Administrative Tribunal decisions.
  • Deletes clauses around reducing building permit fees as the local government does not have ability to reduce these fees.
  • Changes newspaper advertising from compulsory to discretionary for several planning instruments.

For a full discussion on these changes, please refer to the Ordinary Council Meeting minutes of 12 February 2025.

The City recognises that the adoption of this policy may affect residents, developers and businesses within the community. This engagement process seeks to inform the public of this policy proposal and collect feedback from individuals, groups, and organisations for Council to consider before its final adoption.

Before the Council makes a final decision on the Policy, we are asking the community to:

  • Review the draft policy and Council report.
  • Contribute feedback by completing the survey below.
  • Provide a written submission or request a 1:1 meeting with a City Officer.

City Officers aim to:

  • Keep you informed, listen to and acknowledge concerns and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision.
  • Work with you to ensure that your concerns and aspirations are duly noted, provide clarity on questions that may arise.

How can you meet with City Officers to discuss this policy and your feedback?

  • 1:1 Meeting: Would you like to meet 1:1 with City Officers to get clarification on the policy, and how to best submit your feedback? You can request a meeting by emailing communityengagement@fremantle.wa.gov.au. Please note, we'll aim to meet all requests subject to staff availability.

How can you make your submission?
Submissions can be submitted online via the submission form below, or:

A hard copy of the survey can be sent or picked up upon request by emailing the Community Engagement team here: communityengagement@fremantle.wa.gov.au.

Hard copies of the draft policy are also available at the Walyalup Civic Centre, 51 High Street, Fremantle between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Please note submissions have closed.

The City is seeking comments on a new local planning policy that consolidates and updates several existing local planning polices revolving around administrative processes and procedures.

At the 12 February 2025 Ordinary Council Meeting the draft policy was unanimously endorsed by Council for the purpose of public advertising and community engagement. The policy is now open for community comment.

In summary, the draft Local Planning Policy 1.1 (LPP 1.1) consolidates the existing local planning policies:

  • 1.1: Amendment and Extension to the Term of Planning Approval
  • 1.2: Refunding and Waving/Reducing of Planning Fees and Building Fees
  • 1.3: Public Notification of Planning Proposals

In addition to consolidating the above policies, minor amendments are proposed that vary from the existing policies in the following ways:

  • Modify assessment criteria for extensions of time to development applications in order to align with State Administrative Tribunal decisions.
  • Deletes clauses around reducing building permit fees as the local government does not have ability to reduce these fees.
  • Changes newspaper advertising from compulsory to discretionary for several planning instruments.

For a full discussion on these changes, please refer to the Ordinary Council Meeting minutes of 12 February 2025.

The City recognises that the adoption of this policy may affect residents, developers and businesses within the community. This engagement process seeks to inform the public of this policy proposal and collect feedback from individuals, groups, and organisations for Council to consider before its final adoption.

Before the Council makes a final decision on the Policy, we are asking the community to:

  • Review the draft policy and Council report.
  • Contribute feedback by completing the survey below.
  • Provide a written submission or request a 1:1 meeting with a City Officer.

City Officers aim to:

  • Keep you informed, listen to and acknowledge concerns and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision.
  • Work with you to ensure that your concerns and aspirations are duly noted, provide clarity on questions that may arise.

How can you meet with City Officers to discuss this policy and your feedback?

  • 1:1 Meeting: Would you like to meet 1:1 with City Officers to get clarification on the policy, and how to best submit your feedback? You can request a meeting by emailing communityengagement@fremantle.wa.gov.au. Please note, we'll aim to meet all requests subject to staff availability.

How can you make your submission?
Submissions can be submitted online via the submission form below, or:

A hard copy of the survey can be sent or picked up upon request by emailing the Community Engagement team here: communityengagement@fremantle.wa.gov.au.

Hard copies of the draft policy are also available at the Walyalup Civic Centre, 51 High Street, Fremantle between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for taking the time to contribute feedback on the draft Local Planning Policy 1.1: Planning Refunds, Amendments, and Community Engagement (LPP 1.1) Please make sure you have reviewed the draft policy and all related materials before submitting your comments. You can read the policy here. 

    We are asking the public to: 

    • Review the draft policy and Council report. 
    • Contribute feedback by completing the survey below.
    • Provide a written submission or request a 1:1 meeting with a City Officer.

    If you would like to meet with City staff before submitting your feedback, please email communityengagement@fremantle.wa.gov.au

    Share Draft LPP 1.1: Survey on Facebook Share Draft LPP 1.1: Survey on Twitter Share Draft LPP 1.1: Survey on Linkedin Email Draft LPP 1.1: Survey link
Page last updated: 31 Mar 2025, 08:10 AM