Update - Item to Council (26 May 2021)
The engagement findings and a report will be going to the Ordinary Council meeting 26 May 2021. The report proposes a name change from Kings Square to the Whadjuk Nyoongar words 'Walyalup Koort' (meaning heart of Fremantle). It also includes the findings of the community engagement process 'What's in a Name?' (see attachments) - we'd like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who has participated so far, from 128 name suggestions to 182 participants in the online discussion, 110 random surveys, input from businesses, 7 hard copy surveys, written submissions, direct emails and discussion pack. The original content can be found in the 'additional information' part of the Council agenda.
Further information
You can find further information on the City's website:
- Council meeting agenda (Council item)
- Council meeting attachment (engagement report)
- Council meeting additional information (original content stage two)
Attending Council
Ordinary Council Meeting - Wednesday 26 May 2021, 6.00pm, North Fremantle Community Hall 2 Thompson Rd North Fremantle.
Council meetings are open to the public and members of the public are welcome to ask a question, make a statement or just observe the proceedings. For information on community participation at Council or committee meetings you can find more information on our website.
This engagement has concluded, thank you to everyone who participated.