Review of Front Fencing Rules - Hilton Heritage Area

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Engagement on this has now concluded. 

All applications for front fences within the Hilton Heritage Area require planning approval from the City, regardless of whether or not a fence complies with the policy. The updated Local Planning Policy 3.7 is now available at:

Please feel free to contact the City’s Strategic Planning team to discuss the changes (see 'contact' on this page). 

We're seeking your thoughts on proposed changes to front (street) fencing rules within the Hilton Heritage Area.

Hilton was planned around ‘garden suburb’ principles and is recognised for its open streetscapes and green, leafy character. It is one of only a few examples of ‘Garden City’ planning within the Perth Metropolitan Area, and one of the most intact. Because of this it, is identified as a ‘heritage area’ under the City of Fremantle Local Planning Scheme.

Local Planning Policy 3.7 – Hilton Garden Suburb Precinct Heritage Area includes design requirements for new buildings, including front fences, within the Hilton Heritage Area. This policy helps to ensure that the character of Hilton is retained and means all front (street) fences in the Hilton Heritage Area require planning approval, regardless of whether they comply.

Further information

An Information Pack and Hilton Fencing Options brochure were produced for this community engagement. They are also available in the document library. These documents provide further information on the the existing and proposed changes to the front fencing rules contained within the Local Planning Policy.

We're seeking your thoughts on proposed changes to front (street) fencing rules within the Hilton Heritage Area.

Hilton was planned around ‘garden suburb’ principles and is recognised for its open streetscapes and green, leafy character. It is one of only a few examples of ‘Garden City’ planning within the Perth Metropolitan Area, and one of the most intact. Because of this it, is identified as a ‘heritage area’ under the City of Fremantle Local Planning Scheme.

Local Planning Policy 3.7 – Hilton Garden Suburb Precinct Heritage Area includes design requirements for new buildings, including front fences, within the Hilton Heritage Area. This policy helps to ensure that the character of Hilton is retained and means all front (street) fences in the Hilton Heritage Area require planning approval, regardless of whether they comply.

Further information

An Information Pack and Hilton Fencing Options brochure were produced for this community engagement. They are also available in the document library. These documents provide further information on the the existing and proposed changes to the front fencing rules contained within the Local Planning Policy.

Engagement on this has now concluded. 

All applications for front fences within the Hilton Heritage Area require planning approval from the City, regardless of whether or not a fence complies with the policy. The updated Local Planning Policy 3.7 is now available at:

Please feel free to contact the City’s Strategic Planning team to discuss the changes (see 'contact' on this page). 

  • Final Council Decision - September 2019

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    At the Ordinary Council meeting held on 25 September 2019, a revised set of front (street) fencing rules were adopted for the City’s Hilton Heritage Area local planning policy (Local Planning Policy 3.7). These new rules aim to provide more flexibility to property owners while maintaining the characteristics of the Hilton Heritage Area. They now apply to all future fencing proposals within the area.

    In summary, the change provides a new increased height option, a maximum solid wall height of 300mm allowed and properties on Winterfold Road, within the Hilton Heritage Area, can now build higher fences similar to what is currently permissible along Carrington and South Streets. There are also additional criteria in the policy which allow the City to consider applications which vary the policy requirements.

    To assist with the new policy a graphic brochure with examples is being produced and will be available on the City’s website.

  • Council Meetings - September

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    Council considered a report relating to this project at its meeting on 28 August 2019, however, deferred making a final decision to allow further consideration to be given to the proposed policy content.

    A report addressing some additional points for consideration will be considered by the Strategic Planning & Transport Committee on Wednesday 18 September 2019 and then at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Wednesday 25 September 2019.Both meetings commence at the North Fremantle Community Hall, located at 2 Thompson Road, North Fremantle at 6.00pm. These meetings are open to the public, and as such you are welcome to attend.

    If you choose to attend either of these Council meetings, you also have the opportunity to make a short deputation on the item. The opportunity to address the Committee on the proposal is limited to a maximum of three minutes. An opportunity to address the Council on the proposal is given during ‘Public Question Time’ only, and is also limited to a maximum of three minutes. Please contact the Minute Secretary on 9432 9999 or email before 3.00 pm on the day of the meeting, or register at the venue before 5.50 pm.

    Copies of the Committee and Council agendas, including the report and any attachments for the above-mentioned item, will be available for viewing from the Friday afternoon prior to each meeting. Agendas may be downloaded from the City’s website or can be viewed at the City Library located on the ground floor of the council offices at Fremantle Oval, 70 Parry Street, Fremantle, during normal library hours.

    In the meantime, if you have any general queries on this application, please feel free to contact the City’s Strategic Planning Department on 9432 9999 or visit My Say Freo
  • Council Meetings - Review of Hilton Fencing Rules

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    A report on the results of the consultation and options forward is due to be considered by the City’s Strategic Planning & Transport Committee on Wednesday 21 August 2019, followed by the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Wednesday 28 August 2019.Both meetings commence at the North Fremantle Community Hall, located at 2 Thompson Road, North Fremantle at 6.00pm. These meetings are open to the public.

    Copies of the agenda, including the report and any attachments, will be made available for viewing from the Friday afternoon prior to the meeting. The agenda can be downloaded from the Agendas and Minutes section of the City's website or can be viewed at the City Library located on the ground floor of the council offices at the Fremantle Oval, 70 Parry Street, Fremantle, during normal library hours.
  • Engagement on Proposed Changes

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    Current policy

    Under the current policy, fencing between the street and a house within the Hilton Heritage Area is required to not exceed 1.2 metres in total height and must be ‘visually permeable’ (see-through) above a height of 300 millimetres.

    Proposed changes

    We're seeking community feedback on the idea of changing this requirement to provide additional flexibility. You can see more in the slideshow below:

    The person depicted in these images is 1.75 metres tall.

    Further information

    You can also download an Information Pack and Hilton Fencing Options brochure, also available in the document library. These documents provide further information on the the existing and proposed changes to the front fencing rules contained within the Local Planning Policy.

    We're also holding a drop-in information session 6 July 2019, 10.30am to 12.30pm at the Fremantle PCYC, Paget St Hilton.

    We invite you to share your thoughts by 5.00pm Tuesday 16 July 2019.