Why is the City undertaking this project?

    The City has a focus on renewing and activating suburban amenities and precincts and see the Hilton Park Precinct as a place with the potential to be a hub where life, sport and art coexist. 

    The project will result in:

    • A Place Plan - analysis, opportunities and vision that inform the future of the space, with a list of actions and outcomes required to achieve the vision. 
    • A Master Plan - a concept plan (image), with design rationale and preliminary costings to deliver the future space. 

    These documents will provide the framework to revitalise the space and a tool to source funding both internally (e.g. through budget allocation) and externally (e.g. grants). 

    What are some of the opportunities or challenges being faced at the Hilton Park Precinct?

    There are several opportunities or challenges for the site being considered as part of this project, including: 

    • Multiple users with different needs and expectations.
    • Buildings requiring general upgrade, or in the case of Ken Allen Pavilion; buildings that no longer meet required standards or user needs. 
    • Poor connectivity around the site (ability to walk/move to different areas), with some areas physically blocked off by fencing, and others by the fall of the land. 
    • Poor visual connectivity and line of site with changing ground levels, vegetation and lighting, sometimes resulting in safety concerns. 
    • Environmental considerations such as high volumes of water usage for large areas of turf, and a general desire for more tree canopy coverage.  
    • Drainage management.

    By engaging with the community, users and potential users of the site, the City and its project team will be able to better understand these challenges, any others that exist and consider strategies to address them. 

    How can the community influence the plans?

    Hilton Park Precinct is a community space; and community input is essential to ensuring the design meets the needs and aspirations of the people using it (or who would like to use it). 

    There will be four key opportunities to provide input into the plan throughout the project over the next year. 

    1. Preliminary input to understand how people use and want to use the space (26 August 2023 - Community Drop-in session and online via My Say until 3 September)
    2. Testing of draft place themes, vision and facility aspirations (~November 2023)
    3. A survey to seek feedback on the draft Place Plan (~February 2024) 
    4. A survey to seek feedback on the draft Master Plan (~May 2024)

    The City will also engaging with Local Whadjuk Elders, relevant state government agencies and community groups. 

    The first two opportunities provide the greatest level of influence over the final outcomes; so please get involved to guide the redevelopment!

    Will there be changes to the way the Hilton Park Precinct is used?

    The primary function of the Hilton Park Precinct is to be a community space, largely used for recreation. The type of recreation in the Precinct may shift to respond to current sporting, active and passive recreation trends. 

    Other community uses may emerge through this process as we engage with different members of the community. The park will remain a public recreation and community space.

    How much will it cost to revitalise the Hilton Park Precinct and who will pay for it?

    The cost to revitalise the Hilton Park Precinct is currently unknown. As part of the Master Plan, indicative costs will be prepared. The upgrades/works will be funded through Council budget allocations and/or by seeking external grants or funding through avenues such as state and federal government.

    The revitalisation will likely be staged with different projects being undertaken in the short (0-5 years), medium (5-10 years) and long-term (10+ years) depending on the options and priorities.