Let's Talk, Freo! Full Survey

The Strategic Community Plan (SCP) is the City’s most significant guiding document and establishes the community’s vision for Fremantle’s future. The SCP will drive our planning, budgeting, resource allocation and service delivery over the next decade in order to focus our efforts and align our activities. The plan provides a clear understanding of what matters most to the people who live, work and play in Fremantle. Under the Local Government Act, we are required to undertake a full review of the SCP every four years.

We are now conducting a more comprehensive review of our Strategic Community Plan. This work was kicked off in 2022, placing us halfway through the Plan’s horizon. The City of Fremantle has delivered a range of projects and outcomes for the community, and will now aim to look ahead to the next 10, 20, 30 years. Our 6 key themes and conversation starters will allow the Plan to be focused on the challenges and opportunities that our community will face.