Related: Our Strategic Community Plan

The City's 2024-2034 Strategic Community Plan (SCP) is the City’s most significant guiding document and establishes the community’s long-term aspirations and vision for Fremantle’s future. The Plan drives the City’s planning, budgeting, resource allocation and service delivery over the next decade, and was developed in direct collaboration with people who live, work, and play in Fremantle.

The draft Tree Retention Policy acknowledges public feedback expressed during the SCP engagement period and aligns with the key SCP focus area: Fremantle as a Liveable City, which recognises "Sustainably designed and optimised urban and natural environments - Urban development and public realm enhancement is coordinated, design-led, and sympathetic to surrounding natural environments" and "An increasing tree canopy that enhances biodiversity and helps cool our urban environments."

Read the Strategic Community Plan here.

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