Related: City of Fremantle Urban Forest Plan

The Urban Forest Plan (UFP) was adopted by the City in July 2017 and provides an overall comprehensive plan for the long-term management and establishment of trees in the City.

The Fremantle 2029 Community Visioning process identified a clear long–term vision to be a sustainable, liveable and vibrant place over the coming decades. A key value identified is the City of Fremantle (City)’s green spaces and places, with a fundamental responsibility to protect and enhance the natural environment, green spaces and heritage features of the City.

The UFP provides an opportunity to contribute to achieving this core community wellbeing and environmental value. An urban forest provides residents and the City’s community with critical ecosystem services such as air and water filtration, shade, cooling, habitat, oxygen, carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling.

Read the City's Urban Forest Plan (2017) here.

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