Our Coastal Future Adopted

02 Jan 2018

Our Coastal Future - Port, Leighton and Mosman Beaches Coastal Adaptation Plan (2017) was adopted by Council on 22 November 2017.

Sections of the Port, Leighton and Mosman beaches are exposed, and vulnerable to coastal processes, including erosion and inundation. Over time, the coast will become increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of sea level rise, storm surges and changes in sediment transport and natural sediment stores.

This plan has been prepared to adapt to the changing coast at Port, Leighton and Mosman Beaches, and provides recommended timeframes and trigger points for decision-making and planning for the area. The plan has been prepared as the first iteration of an evolving, long-term planning and decision-making process for the City of Fremantle and Town of Mosman Park, the community and key stakeholders to adapt our settlements and infrastructure to coastal processes – including risks of coastal erosion and inundation.

Read the full report to find out more.

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