Local Development Plan, 2-4 Clontarf Road and 1 Naylor Street, Beaconsfield
Consultation has concluded
What is proposed?
The City of Fremantle has received an application from CLE Town Planning + Design, on behalf of Stockland Development Pty Ltd, for a local development plan over 2-4 Clontarf Road and 1 Naylor Street, Beaconsfield. Before we form an opinion on this application, we'd like to hear from you.
This site has already been granted subdivision approval by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 20 November 2023. The subdivision will create 184 lots with a network of new roads and laneways, and six open space reserves.
A local development plan is required as a condition of subdivision approval and sets out special design criteria for the site. In this instance, these include:
- A minimum building height of two storeys
- A maximum building height of three storeys
- Building setbacks from all lot boundaries
- Orientation of buildings in relation to the front street
- The ability for development of both single houses (terraced townhouses) and multiple dwellings (apartments) on the site
- On-site garage and parking locations for residents of the development
- On-street visitor car parking via the installation of parallel parking bays within the development and on Naylor and Strang Streets
- Front and rear fencing styles and locations
- Location of bin pads for waste collection from some lots
- Variations to the deemed-to-comply criteria of the Residential Design Codes of Western Australia in relation to primary garden area, private open space and balconies, landscaping, tree canopy, storage, orientation of major openings, site cover, and streetscape.
A local development plan provides alternative site-specific development control measures to those set out in the Residential Design Codes of Western Australia. It also streamlines the development approval process, with compliant development only requiring a building permit, rather than an individual development approval prior to the issue of a building permit.
How can I find out more?
You can view the proposed local development plan and supporting streetscape images under Important Documents.
Representatives from the City will also be available in person to provide information and answer your questions at a Talk to a Planner session from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on 26 March 2024 at Fremantle College, 79 Lefroy Road, Beaconsfield.
Please note that this is not a town hall meeting and there will be no presentation. You are welcome to drop in at your leisure to ask questions or discuss any concerns that you may have.
What can I comment on?
The site layout, including the size and location of lots, public open space, and the road network have already been determined by the subdivision approval. However, the City would invite your comment on any of the special design criteria set out in the dot point list above, as these deal with the location and design of buildings on the lots, the resulting streetscapes, and the interface between buildings and public open space reserves.
How can you make your submission?
Submissions can be submitted online via the submission form below, or:
- By Mail:
PO Box 807
Fremantle WA 6959 - In Person:
Walyalup Civic Centre
151 High Street
Fremantle WA 6160 - By e-mail: planning@fremantle.wa.gov.au
- Online via the submission form below.
A hard copy of the survey can be sent or picked up upon request by emailing the Community Engagement team here: communityengagement@fremantle.wa.gov.au.
Submissions on this proposal are now closed.